Ini Hassan Ali versi Kapir
LOLOLOLOLOL. Beberapa minggu yang lalu di Malaysia heboh kisah Hassan Ali kata orang Islam di Malaysia dimurtadkan dengan pemberian injil elektronik berkuasa solar. Menurut Pak Hassan bila injil ini diberi kepada orang Islam, mereka akan murtad. Most people laugh at this absurd notion but some Meleis took it seriously and demanded all solar powered bible be destroyed. Anyway di Australia ada seorang ahli parlimen yang nak challenge the absurdities of Hassan Ali
Luke Simpkins , seorang ahli parlimen dari Parti Liberal Australia mendakwa orang beragama Kristian Australia dimurtadkan secara halus melalui penjualan daging Halal diseluruh Australia. Beliau juga mendakwa pemakanan daging halal oleh penganut Kristian ini dituntut sendiri oleh nabi Muhammad
Simpkins kini mahukan daging halal yang dijual kepada golongan majoriti Kristian Australia ditandakan dengan label "HALAL" supaya diet orang Kristian tidak akan dicemari daging yang sudah menjalani ritaul "agama minoriti" Islam. Yes yes di sana daging HALAL tak ditandakan dengan logo JAKIM. Sekali baca mesti korang gelak gila kan? Rasa macam bangang juga kepercayaan si Luke Simpkins ini. Then I remembered a few years back ada rumour di Malaysia yang kononnya HOLY WATER diletakkan didalam air yang diminum orang Islam sehingga mereka tak boleh ngucap dan murtad serta merta. Rumour ini kemudian ditokok tambah dengan kisah holy water dibuat dari air bayi yang digugurkan rahib Kristian.
So all I have to say is...... #LMAO

Laporan asal The West
ReplyDeleteIni macam kes holy water boleh buat orang Islam murtad, lidah jadi keras, dan blablablabla
ReplyDeleteLast2 turn out holy water sekadar air biasa yang dibacakan dgn passage n rite from Bible...#FACEPALM
Kalau org camni kt Malaysia dan berbangsa Melayu kita panggi Meleis, kat Ostolia lak kita nak panggil apa?
kosakata: SHENIAT --> macam nak kata "SHIAT"
ReplyDeleteJadi macam mana lepas ni,ada Himpunan Sejuta Umat Kristian tak agak agak?
ReplyDeletepun boleyyyy...
ReplyDeleteaku ingat kitorang je ada yang bangang.
All religiousfags are the same
ReplyDeleteThey have crosses, we have muslamic laser beams
So in their perspective, daging halal boleh buat murtad. Sedangkan kita yang makan daging halal is like makan daging biasa.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, bila muslim makan daging yang tak halal (yang tak di doakan waktu sembelih), does that mean daging tu akan buat moslem murtad?
wait wait wait, in our perspective, minum air holy water (yang dah di doakan ikut kristian punya ayat) boleh buat orang murtad. Sedangkan, dalam pandangan diorang, minum takde pape.
Does that mean, minum holy water (yang dah di doakan) takde effect apa apa?
bodoh gak si obe ni... betul la apa dia kata.. daging halal buat hati bersih dan masuk islam.. slalu makan babi hati jadi gelap dell...
ReplyDeleteserbanistas, kippahnistas, salibnistas dan segala nistas wujud dlm mana2 agama.
ReplyDeletekonspirasi barat ni !
ReplyDeletehahaha..obe2..pandai ko cari benda2 gini erk
ReplyDeleteritaul<--salah eja
ReplyDelete*troll face
maybe strategy bisnes.. menjatuhkan/mengurangkan jualan barangan orang islam..
ReplyDeleteQuest to Murtadkan each other through subliminal mean: SRS BZNS.
ReplyDeleteCaptcha: Boxici (Ici means here in French. Box here?)
Not very interested. Come on obe, u can do better than this..
ReplyDeletemoslim tanah melayu counter balik holywater dengan air yassin/solat hajat, hopefully boleh jadi neutral..haha..
ReplyDeletekat semenanjung je kecoh2 psl murtad nih..try pegi sarawak..gereja lg byk dari xde pun kecoh2 psl murtad..
ReplyDeleteair bayi yang digugurkan rahib Kristian.----> lagi kaw--ada mamlak cakap hasil perzinaan dgn paderi, betul, tak tipu.
ReplyDeletepenah dgr ceramah dr sorg bekas paderi ni (skarang muslim da jd ustaz)... katanya holy water cme ntok kristian je... depa x bg kat agama laen...
ReplyDelete@anon 6.31
ReplyDeletepelik kan kalau bekas paderi ja bila masuk islam terus jadi ustaz.
tak boleh ker dari kafir jadi mualaf biasa dulu blajar bagi habis pastu baru jadi ustaz?
tau tau nak pangkattttt je. pfffttt!
apakata kau pergi tanya ustaz mualaf tu soalan aku ni.
obepig,try ko minum holy water n post video kat sini.tgk jadik ape.
ReplyDelete@abby shahrin
ReplyDeleteKIPPAHNISTAS FTW!!! hahahahahaha
salibnistas win!
ReplyDeleteagenda freemason semua ni..
ReplyDeleteSepatutnya orang2 Islam yang merasa paranoid dengan budaya kuning - perosak barat, ini sudah terbalik pulak! Mustahil makanan Halal boleh menyebabkan orang2 Kristian murtad.
ReplyDeleteInilah akibat Islamphobia yang menjadi budaya baru barat....
Umat Islam patut jadikan ini sebagai 'alert' untuk mendalami apa yang ada dalam otak orang2 barat / Kristian.
Anon 08:41 : kenapa nak kena minum air holy water plak? air tu bukan buat minum pun. yang ko bodoh nak gi minum air tu buat apa?
ReplyDeletei live in australia for 4years..and selalu je nmpk those mat salleh buy halal meat n chicken from the halal shop..even asked some of them why they bought from the halal shop not the shop at the other end (non-halal one)..they said the halal meat is easier to clean n cook..not much blood within the meat..and scientifically proven the halal meat is good n healthy..also not easily get spoil..which really impressed me coz even they knew that..when they told me, then i googled it..n yeah, there's some researches and articles bout it..a bit ashamed coz non-muslim actually made me realized, not from my own effort to search for it..
ReplyDeletebout the holy water, they believe in holy water like we believe in our air yaasiin..but unlike us, they really extremely believe that holy water are the pure and holy one, can even clear the sins.
oowh, btw pasal mualaf jd ustaz 2, can i give an analogy to make u understand..maybe..i said it just a possibility that could be happened..let say, i got a new iphone which i didnt know anything about it..i got it n i explore..i learn about it..coz i really want to get to know about all the stuff that that iphone can provide..i would spend hours, days, months, even years perhaps to explore the so-called magnificent thing..i didnt stop learning n exploring until i really understand..
somehow, there's a friend of mine who gave the iphone to his young kid to use..he will use it n learn it bit by bit..not really taking it in a hard way like i took to learn about the time he's in the same age with me, he knows that he just used to it automatically..coz he just used n growing up with it..not like me..i just got it..
but there's some stage, i know how to use the iphone more than him..because i didnt stop even he had that iphone with him longer than me, he just taking advantage of not really learning how and what to do with it..which that explain how us,mostly, who just taking advantage of our religion that we were born with..we dont really learn coz we just assume we know bout stuff..but different with these mualaf who just got it and feel the importance of getting to know the religion better n deeper..
oowh, btw im not one of the girls yg btudung labuh if u wonder bout it..this analogy was told to me by a friend..coz i also had that same question i guess it might help u to understand it as it did make me understood bout the same thing before..
emm actually murtad hanya untuk orang islam jer.