Tuesday 5 June 2012

Serius FOA - Tadika, Nasyid and Mind Control

The right to reply

A little storm in a tea cup incident occurred yesterday when i posted;

"Little kids singing nasyid is bizarro and fake"

Well allow me to just explore this topic. Kanak-kanak bawah umur mudah dilentur mindanya. Semudah Yuri dari Red Alert2 mengawal minda konskrip pihak lawan untuk berpaling tadah dan menjadi unit tentera Soviet.

When I was young I was in a Tadika ran by Al Arqam. Part of the syllabus in tadika was singing religious nasyid song. I was a wee lad of six and I knew nothing about having an opinions and naive enough to believe that adults are not always right. So we sang song about putting our lives on the line in the name of fisabilillah and jihad. We sang about the glory of the heavens for Martyr should be found ourselves killed by the infidels. We also sang about god is great and he will justly destroy those infidel bastards. While we are not afraid of dying in the name of Allah, we are also assured that since we are fighting in the right side we are most likely will not die due to Allah protection.

I was only 6 years old and I did believe that the lyrics of those nasyid are fucking legit. My mind was programmed to believe that dying in the name of Allah is something that we all should look forward to

Therein lies the problem. When I was in tadika it was in the early 80's and the Soviet-Afghanistan war was in full swing. I remember sitting in class dreaming of killing Soviets in the name of Allah. I was six years old. Don't any of you find this weird or morally wrong? All thanks to the "innocent" Nasyid song that we all sang at the tadika.

If you do some readings on your own you will be shocked to hear that Al Qaeda is using the exact same method to recruit underage boys into their Suicide Bomber squads. Some of the kids lucky enough to be rescued form these suicide school told reporters that they are told from a very young age that dying is awesome. Killing yourself is not a sin when you are talking a garrison full of infidels along with you.

Kids know fuck all about life. They are easily manipulated by adults with their own agenda.

Remember when you were in school back in the days? How you guys are brought up to believe that the government will do everything in the best intention of the rakyat. You guys remember how Mahathir is portrayed as the Uber-Malaysianmensch for single handedly transforming Malaysia? While this is true we also gloss over the "unsavory" things he did on the flip side.

We sang SETIA every day to instill loyalty to the Agong, Malaysia and our Barisan Nasional leaders.

How many of you feel slightly stupid for believing all that shit when you were young?

I know I did.

I am also angry that as a child the adults that were supposed to be responsible for molding me into a functional teenager use their position of power to force their views on me. I find it irresponsible that Muslim kids as young as 6 years old are told believe that dying is awesome. Killing infidels is even more awesome. This is why I said videos of kids singing nasyid are bizarro and fake.

How many of you guys can honestly say they are mature enough to make their own mind about the "truth" of religion at this age?

The mind of a child should not be poisoned with vile nasyid that expilicitly glorify violence of death. Last time I checked ALL MUSLIMS claims that Islam is the RELIGION OF PEACE. If this is the case why do you subject your minors to songs about wanting to be a SYAHEED and "mementang musuh Allah yang mahu menjatuhkan Islam" at such an young age? Again I say this practice is morally abhorrent and should not be tolerated especially in this day and age.

The whole point of posting the Christian religious video is to make you guys see how weird it is in the eye of an outsider. Now try watching that video again but this time change the lyrics to

"I will kill the infidels in the name of Jesus and I will gladly die in his honour so I will be resurrected in his kingdom"

What do you think? Still think the video is funny or silly? If you hear young Christian kids singing this song at a local church how would you feel?

Answers below. Now do you understand why I say kids singing Nasyid on TV is bizarro and fake? Bizarro and fake because you KNOW as an adult that these kids are FORCED to believe what they are singing about and they have no choice but to believe because RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION must start from a very young age. These are the facts and sadly enough when these kids grew up they will do exactly the same things to their own kids and this sirs and madams is a tragedy.

p/s : I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei


  1. Replies
    1. Rasa2 bapak OBE pernah bagi Mak dia Nikah Batin dengan ABUYA tak???? OBE anak sapa ek agak2?

  2. unit lost.. unit lost..unit lost..

  3. Aku faham dah kenapa ko kuarkan statement cam tu.

    tapi ko ni tak update pasal nasyid la. Sekarang, diorang nasyidkan makna surah-surah pendek dalam alquran, macam fatihah. so budak-budak bukan setakat baca, tapi faham maksudnya. Mungkin ko kena dengar nasyid kumpulan voices of Ummi.

  4. i've read your writings since the early days of FOA and i have to say i am disappointed that you sold out to the mass. Yes i know, you need to pay bills and all but it would be great you don't abandon the FOA completely.Now, this post i presume is the manifestation of your pent up frustration of not being able to rage like you used to in FOA..maybe now it's about time for it's revival.

  5. some serbanista said that Islam is a religion of peace, but in a meantime, allowing them to hate with kaffir people...until like this nowadays.

    Now...mostly Islamic world are filled with bunch of douchebag and moroc serbanistas...

    1. Hai Amir Zaim si gemok..
      Jangan ingat ko gemok gedabak, konon2nya pemikiran ko tu sama macam Obegemok la ye??


    2. nationalist, kamu islam?
      aku sedar kan, ramai orang islam suka guna perkataan "babi".

      anyways, tak silap aku ada orang pernah baling najis kat rasul and dia tak marah pun.

      kau punya mulut tu macam obe baru lepas boh mak kau.

      sebenarnya, orang orang yang macam kau ni yang buat ramai orang rasa islam tu kurang menarik seperti yang digambarkan oleh orang...macam kau

    3. semoga kamu diampuni Allah S.W.T di akhirat nanti. dan semoga ade org Islam yg akan dtg pd pengebumian kamu nanti. Amin..masih belum terlambat utk bertaubat :)

  6. Well, if you were looking for a Christian version, there’s the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church, with a child singing “Ain’t no homo going to heaven”.


    Sadly, this is one of the few places where fundamentalist Christians and Muslims have something in common, so I don’t know how good an example it is, really.

  7. i think obe u should check back the kid nasyed song nowdays..u should not relies on ur past al arqam tadika tu..my kid tadika kemas jek..

  8. hi, fellow tadika al arqam alumni! mine was in Gombak, if i can recall.

  9. aku tadika dulu xde pon nak nyanyi lagu2 berjihad. elok jer tadika kemas ajar lagu justin bieber hahaha

    kau patut bengang ngan bapak kau sebab sape suh pegi hantar kau tadika al alqam.


    1. betul tu laguna...aku rasa OBE ni kena buli masa tadika..dia frust sbb kena paksa nyanyi lagu nasyid.. Ko xleh tgk satu sudut jer OBE..dlm nasyid ada nilai2 islam...yang haprak jer buat lirik dgn penuh kebencian..yang aku setuju ko cakap ada agenda tersendiri..#LOL Peningkatan Kos Mati !

    2. ntah. nk pukul semua rata. org len orait ja nasyid

    3. Obe bermasalah buli zman tadika nih.

  10. If I am not mistaken, Nasyid is a genre in Music. Relating personal nasyid experience in Al-Arqam school and paint nasyid as a whole with the picture sounds essentialization to me.

    Nasyid as a genre is neutral to me. Message inserted in the lyrics will define it as excellent, good, average, bad or ugly.

    Furthermore, the method of using music to assist memory is not confine to only nasyid.

    Having said all that, I understood you view, just pointing out.

  11. oh yeah, during the peak of the Soviet-Afghan war, there was also an islamic childen's magazine by the name of "adik" that featured a comic about the war and the main character's name was Zahid the Mujahideen. I was aspiring to be an martyr at that time. LOL

  12. Meleis bila nak dekat dgn Islam bukannya bukak Quran, tp dengar orang2 agama berlabun kosong.

    Nasyid, koir gereja adlh alat org agama utk brainwash kanak

    1. Standard ar meleis bro.

      dorang selalu confuse agama and tradisi. just because islam turun kat arab, tetiba dorang puja orang arab.

      pernah tengok orang melayu yang teriingin gila nak jadi arab? kelakar bro.

      aku ada sepupu yang obses arab, sampai dia cakap dia keturunan arab, padahal, tak langsung

  13. oooo obe ni sekolah arqam dulu... kat mana kuang ke? ko nyanyi nasyid2 nadamurni ke dulu? aku pun ramai member2 ex-arqam ni.

    blog oh arqam

  14. nasyid ni satu bentuk hiburan je, kalau salahnya, ialah lirik. Banyak2 je nasyid yg ada unsur2 ketuhanan dan sejarah je. Tapi kalau nak highlight bab mati tu, pada aku takde masalah pun, yang di instillkan ialah mati untuk memperjuangkan,mempertahankan agama dan negara.

    Kalau kau rasa yang disuruh ialah bunuh penganut agama lain, aku rasa yang masalahnya ialah pemahaman kau tentang jihad. Bukan jihad tu sendiri.

    Kalau kau rasa mati sebab memperjuangkan hak dan membela maruah tu sesuatu yang salah aku tak tahulah. Universal values kot.

    1. Agreed, penambahan, nasyid adalah hiburan berbentuk nasihat dan penghayatan dalam konteks Islam...!!!

    2. Nevermind the value. YOU WERE SIX FOR GOODNESS SAKE

  15. ermm i can't say much.. Dulu aku pun nyanyi nasyid jugak.. Tp time sekolah rendah la.. Aku memang dengar lagu Nadamurni banyak jugak bawak lagu Nadamurni tapi seingat aku tak da pulak yang aku nyanyi tu ajar aku mati sia2 itu awesome.. Mati syahid ye memang awesome tp untuk waktu2 tertentu je la.. Tapi tak tau la pulak kalau nasyid kau lebih hardcore kan..

  16. agk2 obe ni fobia kot ngn kisah silam dy...lolol facepoooolm

  17. obe sudah menunjukan ciri2 iluminatinya sejak kecil lgi...

  18. "Now do you understand why I say kids singing Nasyid on TV is bizarro and fake? "

    You really watch the kiddo nasyid on TV or not? Or you just generalizing every child nasheed on Malaysian TV based on your experience? We're talking about Malaysian TV right...?

    Those children Nasyid on our TV,dear brother, ALL of them lingering over light,basic Islamic thingy.
    Range from "Saya sayang Allah, sayang sayang Nabi..." to "Nabi2 yg diutuskan, mereke semua adalah mulia..."
    very light. very simple.
    Sometime for those hi-IQ kiddo, very boring.

    Your story about being INDOCTRINATE with pseudo-Jihadis thinking, is a specific issue. Happen to some people, at some place, during some times. You, maybe included,some how.

    Those children Nasyid in MALAYSIA TV is just one method of teaching. That's all. We can teach them about Islam in a class or...we teach it through song. The later is funnier and more relaxing.

    If there's any issue on Malaysian Kiddo nasyid...it has to be on how to make it more interesting, nice to hear. Competing with pop culture music. That's it. That's why when you talk about INDOCTRINATION, some people start wondering..how?Why?Who?..wtf? Why of course, kiddo nasyid here in Malaysia, mainstrem media, is about simple issue.
    No Jihad. No death is mention.
    No cool-killing infidel.
    Not a loyalty to certain Imam. Nothing.

    Put it this way.This is Malaysia. Not every thing can be aired, just like that. Even if some people spark over some sexual innuendo lyrics, the song will be banned. Let alone some Indoctrinate- Fundamentalist-Terrorist, *ehem* children nasyid.

    Everytime I see Children Nasyid on TV, I just see some kids singing over light cheeky thing. Maybe you should do the same.
    Chill...Be free fr your childhood Arqam memory..

    ps: Which Malaysia TV you're talking? Now, that's bizarre.

    1. obe bru r&r kat gereja celah hutan dan, oh? katolik mana dah dakwah pada obe hal2 duniawi ni?.. ntah tadika yayasan yahudi mabuk mana dia masuk.

    2. Dan aku quote 'Now do you understand why I say kids singing Nasyid on TV is bizarro and fake? Bizarro and fake because you KNOW as an adult that these kids are FORCED to believe what they are singing about and they have no choice but to believe because RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION must start from a very young age. These are the facts and sadly enough when these kids grew up they will do exactly the same things to their own kids and this sirs and madams is a tragedy.'

      Errrrr.. Aku x pernah tengok dalam TV, lagu nasyid kanak2 dinyanyikan atas lirik membenci agama lain, membunuh mereka yang bukan beragama Islam, menjadi pengebom berani mati. Di tadika kerajaan pun sama juga. Di tadika PASTI pun tidak ada sebegini ajarannya. Kalau kau cakap based on kau punya pengalaman sepanjang pembesaran kau, Mr. Obe, than I am sorry, that your father send you to tadika Al-Arqam. Dan x kan sebab itu, kau melabel kanak2 yang riang menanyi lagu nasyid tu bizzaro and fake? Menyanyi nasyid yang bertujuan memuliakan nabi junjungan tu bizzaro and fake, then seriously, I will facepalm myself.

  19. ko tgk dia menulis komen pn dah tahu. sikit2 cakap word f**k. ntah apa ntah

  20. yg bapak ko masukkan ko dalam tadika al-arqam sape suruh. modul pembelajaran die mmg nk agungkan ABUYA je. masuk la tadika islam biasa. aku rasa ko jgn jadi bapak la obe. ko hanya melahirkan lagi byk serbanista je di muka bumi ALLAH s.w.t nnt. kau ni pantang ditegur. cepat je nk melenting menegakkan ideology liberal ko yg tak kemana ni.

    1. bila org tak berilmu cakap guna logik akal dan cukup bodoh untuk akui kesilapan sendiri

  21. In the name of FOA. Kah kah kah

  22. Obe kena buli ngn kwn2 masa tadika..pastu fobia sampai besar..maybe obe nk jd vokalis nasyid,tp di sekat..

  23. Tggu ko ade anak nnti..aku nk tgk macam mane ko corakkan anak ko obe..cakap ikut sedap hati mmg best...sbb kisah buruk zaman silam ko, abes nasyid satu dunia ko nak salahkn..padahal bnyk lg nasyid yg mengajar anak2 kecik ni sifat2 Allah, doa,maksud ayat Al-Quran,kisah nabi,malaikat sume..tp sebab agaknye ko pon mmg dah meluat ngan Islam, no wonder setiap post ko pasal Islam,semua yg buruk je ko nampak..

  24. well,its our duty to go against those who oppress Islam, like what the serbs,soviets,zionists did to Muslim around the world.but the non muslims who are in peace with us,we dont have to wage war against them. effi saharudin, please reply to all of our comments in here to clarify yourself

    1. Who are going to define what "Oppress Islam" is?

      It could be a person who genuinely wants to defend Islam or it could a person with a hidden agenda and use Islam as a method to achieve certain result.

      Go against those who oppressed Islam is also a topic that can mean different things in different times.

      During the Soviet-Afghan war, it could mean killing those Russian sons of bitches.

      In today's society, more specifically in Malaysia, where Malay is almost a synonym to Islam, it can also spell racial riot.

      So, go easy on those "Oppress Islam" term you got coming out of your piehole.

  25. Aku membesar disekitar era 90an, lagu nasyid pertama yang aku dengar ialah.. Iman mutiara, dinyanyikan oleh Raihan.

    "Iman tak dapat diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertaqwa. Ia tak dapat di jual beli, ia tiada di tepian pantai..."

    1. Zaman 90an tu obe kat toronto sedang belajar utk npk dunia. Obe membesar sama zaman aku 80an. Masa tu aku nyanyi nasyid "mari mari kita sejenak mengingat, kasih ibu bapa yang tiada terkira..." & "tercipta satu lembaran sejarah, di tanah suci kota mekah....". Aku tak pasti nasyid apa yg obe nyanyi? Rasanya byk dlm bahasa arab. Yang aku pasti obe suka tengok thundercats, shazzam, battlestar galactica, dream of jeannie, MASK, V, toriton, ninja sasuka dll..

  26. Tak pernah dgr lg nasyid ajak budak2 buat mcm tu ... betul ke ni atau ko reka je nk cover ur fat ass

  27. Serius Orang tua kamu di bakar api neraka kerana menyembah ABUYA dan membenarkan ahli keluarga wanita (ibu, akak, adik perempuan) nikah batin dgn ABUYA. Masyallah

  28. Mak bapak yg mengikut ajaran sesat, melahirkan anak seumpama OBE. "sesunggunya kami pelihara jasadmu supaya akan dipelajari oleh manusia selepasmu yg sentiasa mengelak dr mempercayai kebenaran" - jasad firaun - lebih kurang cenggitu la bunyinya...OBE adalah FIRAUN...ajk illuminati cawangan seremban sms aku bgtau perkara ni...sahih!!

    1. ajk illuminati cwgn seremban??hahaha...

    2. Ya betul...dan saya adalah ahli biasa Freemason yg berjuang membebaskan Mansor (freemansor)daerah gombak selatan.

  29. OBE, percayalah suatu hari nanti isteri kamu pasti akan berjimak dengan jiran atau rakan sekerjanya, salah kau juga kerana mengajarnya ttg tiadanya agama. Mark my word, printscreen dan tampal di bawah katil, kerna suatu hari nanti kau pasti menangis membaca komentar ini.

  30. aku rasa tak perlu laa kita nak jatuhkan hukum pada OBE nie. Tu kerja Allah. Korang yang kononnya berada di pihak yang betul, patutnya tunjukkan cara yang betul pada OBE nie, bukan menghina, mencaci.

    Islam itu indah, islam itu cara hidup, yang salah n selap adalah penganut, bukan agama nya. Tapi OBE pon satu, kalu Islam bukan your subject expert matter, baik rujuk pada orang yang arif, bukan tulis statement mcm nie and mengharap apa yang ko fikir tue betul. Tak salah nak express your feeling, but let it be berhemah, bukan ikut nafsu!

  31. obe mindf**k.mental la lu sesorang.dengar nashid pn panas badan #troll

  32. Seriusly Obe, nasyid yg mana ko dgr mase al-arqam dulu mengajar atau mengasuh atau mempengaruhi untuk membunuh org bukan Islam...?

    Obe, kenape mesti ko berdiam, selepas ko meluahkan kekesalan atau kekecewaan atau ketidak puashatian ko terhadap ape yg berlaku pada komuniti Islam ini... (pengaruh pemikiran kanak2)

    1) komen yg ko dapat dari mereka2 ini tidak menepati garis pemikiran logik ko...

    2) Articles ni x penting pon, xde mase nak reply, yg penting page view...

    3) Komen2 yg ade tak dapat menidakkan pendapat ko...

    1. dia bg pendapat..aku pun ade pendapat..aku pun experience benda yg sama mcm obe masa kecik2..tp dia dlm nasyid..aku dlm cara pengajaran..mcm instead of banyak2 ilmu dlm al-quran dan hadis..memerangi kafir jugak yg ditekankan..tu la masalah org islam kt malaysia ni dulu..even dlm sesetengah nasyid..sepatutnye sampaikan atau dakwah dulu Islam kt kafir org2 ni..bkn berbunuhan

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. erdakwah dlm nasyid ade jer... Berdakwah memerangi musuh Islam ada banyak cara... Islam tidak menyuruh umatnya agar meyerang atau membunuhi org bukan Islam... Memepertahankan agama dan memerangi jika diserang...

      aku just nak tanye jer, Nasyid yg mana mengajak umat Islam membunuh org bukan Islam... Kot2 aku terlupa atau terlepas dengar nasyid2 yg ade dulu... Serius, aku memang nak tau, supaya aku leh mempertimbangkan pendapat aku... !!!

  33. This applies to all current news about politics indoctrination through the school kids and the youths.

  34. this is quite simple to me~ its depends on the person itself~ melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya~ yup, thats the truth~ but, when these kids grows up, they must have some doubt about what they have been taught when they are young~ this is the world of free information~ mind control become harder than before~ tadika islam & sekolah agama is 2 things that i never been there in my young age~ (thats why i am quite liberal freemason illuminati kot ??? haha~) my young ages only learn agama in school as a subject & reading Quran because everyone says "wajib khatam walaupun sekali"~

    its okay for me to have "controlled mind" when you are young~ as you grows up, God will never let you to be fooled for the whole time, He will help you to increase your maqam~ siapa yang berusaha mencari jalan, ya, akan ditunjukkan~ jika anda memilih duduk diam dan terus percaya membabi buta apa yang diajar, only then its become a problem~

    your arqam's education experience ?? sooner or later you may find without that experience, you are not learning something~ setiap perkara yang berlaku ada hikmahnya~

  35. INDOCTRINATION nie satu perkataan yg TAKBAGUS/JAHAT ka?

    ke kebanyakan org nampak macam ini;

    INDOCTRINATION by RELIGION ---> WRONG / takboleh begini ini

    INDOCTRINATION by EVERYTHING ELSE (like singing,sport,idols,k-pop,good government,belajar) ---> NO PROBLEMS / tidak ada sebab itu kami melarang kerana itu peredaran zaman untuk membangunkan masyarakat.

    Ke guanne kite? =)

  36. IbnuSina eyewear PENIPU SCAMMER!!!!!

  37. bagus. dah kahwin pun liberal habis. haha.
    obe, selamat memimpin isteri dan bakal anak!

    1. tapi kan bro, aku tengok, kawan aku liberal habis, tapi perangai dia, jauh lagi elok dari orang yang kuat agama. macam mana ni?

  38. hahaha...masing kuarkan hukum..bijak2

  39. Allah matlamat kami
    Allah tujuan kami
    Rasul pemimpin kami
    Rasul Pemimpin kami
    berjuang pada jalan Allah itu jalan kami
    Mati pada jalan Allah cita-cita kami

    negeri akhirat adalah matlamat dan tujuan kami
    hanya syurga tempat rehat dan kebahagian kami

    ini agaknye lagu yang ko nyanyi kat sekolah arqam agaknye obe..
    lagu ni biase jekk...
    bebudak kalau ade semangat camnilah bagus. Bebudak sekarang nak ke tandas pun berteman. suruh tolong mak bapak pun nangis. bagi tanggungjawab pun xleh. ko mesti semangat besar dulu obe. sebab tu bleh bertahan menulis sampai sekarang.

  40. Wow, you seriously think this way? Have to say that I pity you.... Really, really pity you....

    Oh well, good luck with life.



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