Saturday 8 October 2011

Sebelum Mengomen Pahami Ayat Yang Ditulis

Not my fault

Not my fault y guys failed in basic English comprehension

Not My fault you guys fail to see all religion shared basically the same dogma and belief system. Instead of using this as a platform to coexist you use it as platform to spew even more hate.Have we not learn anything from the crusades? From the fall of the Mayan civilization? The Armenian Genocide? The Holocaust ? The gas attack by Saddam on the Kurds? .. have we not learn anything in more than 10 000 years of holy god sanctioned wars?

Not my fault that you see everything as anti Islam. Post news about a Pakistani man slashing the nose of her wife coz she refuse to fuck him is seen as "ini obefiend burukkan islam".

Not my fault that you are blinded by years of indoctrination that hammered the idea that YOU are superior coz you believe in so and so dogma. You then impose you unwarranted self importance and holier than thous attitude on others. When other disagree you start spewing scripture like that insane bloke I often see on Disctrict and Circle line screaming "Repent all ye Sinner" at the top of his lungs

Not my fault that comment moderation is back on. I can take personal insults but when you start calling my fiance names you crossed the line. Keep it clean. Attack me not my fiance. What did she ever did to you?

Not my fault that most of your comments will be consigned to DELETED bin..........


  1. lek bro, dyorg yg bash fiance kau 2 sume jealous doe. btw, fiance kau sgt lah lawa, great taste dude. and about the blog-posting thingy, I respect you dude, i appreciate your thoughts on the world. it made me to view the world from an undistorted media

  2. biasa la obe. Serbanistas kan. But I agree about insulting you fiancee. Memang kurang ajar.

  3. xpe obe,orang2 camtu jeles ngan ko sebab dieorg tu xde life and blog dieorg xde orang pon nk tengok, be strong dude. just ignore that stupid malay dog

  4. bkn slh aku korg fail pmhmhn BI

    bkn slh aku korg xleh nmpk yg sume agama ada kprcyn taksb masing2 yg hampir serupe

    dr korg gune benda neh sbg platform utk bersatu padu, korg guna plak utk gado , apa kes ? takkan korg x belajar langsung dari perang salib ? kejatuhan orang maya ? pembunuhan orang armenia dan yahudi , pembunuhan orang kurd oleh sadam ? takkan kita x belajar lngsg dari lebih 10000 tahun dr peperangan yg dibuat atas nama tuhan ?

    bkn slh ak korg tgk sume bnde sbg anti islam. post psl org pakistan potong idung bini dia pun korg blh cakap "ini obefiend burukkan islam".

    bkn slh ak korg dibutakan oleh idea taksub yg diketuk ketuk kedlm kepala korg bhw korg ni lg bgs , lg mulia kerana apa yg korg percaya. korg pastu tekankan lak pemahaman serong korg yg korg ni lg bgus dari org lain. dh mcm org bodo jerit jerit menerakakan org len.

    translated for dumbfucks. no need to thank me dungu sekalian , aku tau yang korang bukannya paham sangat pun england obe neh. maklumlah...orang bodoh.

  5. Sometimes I disagree with the content of your posts but more often than not I disagree with such comments mentioned by you. Yes same goes here if people insult me fine, but family members & loved ones that they don't know, too much. You are doing the right thing by moderating the comments. I enjoy your blog & keep being true to yourself. We are in no position & obligation to make everybody happy.

  6. LOL~

    please do research before comment...


  7. Raziq FTW!
    Keep up the good work bro Obe!

  8. yes!! i like it when obe speaks! wise word from you bro.

  9. bro, mmg dasar org iri hati. siapa2 pu die nak tembbak. dua punca, die tak pernah kena kat diri die lagi dan die pernah kena. lumrah kehidupan org yg tak tahan.

  10. ko rilek je obe.
    xyah layan budak2 taksub tu
    diorang ni x open minded.
    kite ckp agama laen cool, mule la nk kate kite ckp islam x cool langsung.
    bodo budak2 ni

  11. @raziq

    LOL.Hit the nail right on their head!

    Wahai haters/Melesi/serbanista sekalian,tu dh ada org tlg Google Translatekan utk kamu yg x pandai English.

    Kalau masih lg x phm sila hentakkan kepala ke dinding sekuat hati kasi fix otak utk mudah fhm.Sekian terima kasih

  12. this is what happens when we let brain damage people goes online

    sabar obe..

  13. Then its our government fault who let the reversion the PPSMI teaching so more people become more stupid and failed the basic English comprehension so then the politicians can manipulate those dumbhead to win their votes..

  14. enjoy the haters obe.

    sebab dorg bodoh.

    tapi kadang2 rasa sedih sebab dorg bodoh. Lol!

  15. maybe some of your posts and writings are slightly off, maybe. some of it. but that's your own personal opinion and no one has the right to lambaste them. if they don't like it, counter with intelligent remarks, not spew away with stupid and provocative comments. the problem with people is they lack respect in others. would they have the guts to post in public about their opinions about the world? fuck me if they have the guts to do it. that's why I respect you Mr. Obe. these people need to respect others, and calling your fiancee names is just so fucking low. too low for even stupid fucks they are. keep doing what you do dude. it's the internet. they don't like it, they can go somewhere else. for me, this fucking blog will still be on my thumbnail list on chrome

  16. agak2la ada yg kaki anjing jer..kalu takda benda baik nak cakap baik diam

  17. Well Obe, they just don't understand ayat kias yang kau guna-pakai. They feel offended. It's like you are mocking their believes. But, insulting your fiance, that is just not right. Yeah, it's crossed the line. And it's a good thing you turn on the comment moderation. It's embarrassing to see who they call a good Muslim, cursed in the comment section. Itu langsung tak mencerminkan keperibadian seorang Muslim yang baik. Sedih. Well, that is just my opinion. Sorry if you dont agree with me. :)

  18. google translate pn kdng2 bknya btol sngt.sbb tu diorng misunderstood.kan?
    mak bpk anta gi skolah blaja bi xnak dgr, bila dh tua bangang bi menyusahkan org.

    makan tahi.

  19. Don't worry bro... No matter whatever u post, this blog will always be followed by thousands. Tell me which other Malay blogs who dare to challenge everyone's way thinking like yours? Trust me, they might hate it but love it because they always learn something...

  20. fiancé or fiancèe?

  21. sabarla obe. org yg bukak aib org lain, nnt terkena dkt orang tu jugak. what goes around comes around. chill broh!

  22. mr. obe...

    this one is undeniably the wisest post you've ever conveyed in this blog...

    btw, serbanistas, klu ko semayang penuh pun tp ko tk faham tujuan sebenar kewujudan agama... jd atheist lg bagus la... puuuiiii...

  23. its not about budak2 taksub, but more about stupid people with a little knowledge and think that they got better understanding than others.... Dont just ignore them OBe, fight them! yet you have taken the first step.

  24. I like your point of view, obe. coz it changes mine. :)

  25. Whatever ko tetap nak samakan semua agama kat dunia ni... Tunggu je la balasan ko...

  26. Oh i soooo agree. When i read comments to your previous post, i was like... Part mana yg menghina Islam tu? I was worried that mb i dungu or something...turns out that they are dungu... Phewww. Btw, kesian your fiance kena bash dgn diorg, but those losers did that coz their words could not hurt you, so they try to hurt your fiance coz they know that wld irk you. When they started making comments about bounty on your head... You should be careful. Just wanna say that i like your thought provoking style of writing, unlike the mainstream media reporting. A 15 year old can pass as tv3 so called journalist. Heh.

  27. I couldn't say much because I've never walked your path or even been in your shoes, tapi orang macam tu tak payah nak layankan sangat. Orang lepak bawah tempurung sound macam mana pun dia lepak bawah tempurung jugak.

    Just don't give them the satisfaction knowing that they got to you.


    Read till the end. You will never regret.

  29. yeah..akhirnya setelah bertahun2 gua menanti sorg penulis mcm obe..gua amat benci dgn melayu yg kononnya beriman dan pejuang islam tp peranngai mcm yahudi..salute u obe..

  30. well said, wisely elaborate, Mr.Obe..

    kudos. been following your blog every single day and i learn alot about so many things. the knowledge n info is out there, in books and world wide web, just that you make it easier for info freak like me to read, mesmerize and indulge the fact n figure.

    i share the same ideology with you ( i mean conceptually) and as an adult, we know whats right & wrong. As a muslim, i see all things you share on this blog as what make our religion is great teaching, but that doesn't me we should bash others. All religion teach the same basic good things to apply in your life, just in a different manner.

    knowledge about other ppl lifestyle, manners, technology & religion makes us appreciate ours better and insyaAllah, make us become a better human being.

    keep on sharing knowledge and only those who is wise and open minded will see it like you do. there's always some who is still living in the past and yet to mature. they will realize it later if not sooner.

    it's your blog., u hv total control of it. do what you want.

    take care, my salaam to your fiance and wish you all the very best. keep up the good awesome job.

  31. obe ftw, fuck meleis

  32. Hye..Saye baru je follow blog nie..Xtaw pape pn jd kt post2 sblm nie..Dorg kutok tunang obe ape?Nape?

  33. When presented with a logical explanation; Lo and behold ~ not a single holy serbanista's soul in here. Where the hell are they?

    Tgh mengkapirlaknat org lain? Tgh hitung pahala? Tgh jackoff to their promised virgins?

  34. meleis meets internet bro...that's what happen...

  35. Rileks bro.. bukan kamu yg salah.
    Mereka yg salah intepretasikan ayat kamu...
    Do what u think is right, and let them live in their world.

  36. *Terima Kasih Steve Jobs. Rest In Peace. We will miss you. I know god is merciful. I know god is fair. I know god is maha pengampun dan pengasih. You belong in heaven for all the good deed you have done for humanity. Goobye Steve.......

    Aku pun akui Steve memang terbaik tapi baca ni bro obe, selagi agama kau tu ISLAM.. ayat atas tu totally fails sebab ALLAH SWT hanya iktiraf umat manusia yang beragama ISLAM. Yang beragama bukan ISLAM, semua yang akil bahligh adalah golongan kafir yakni automatik masuk ke dalam neraka walau sebaik mana pun insan tu. Nak sedekah Al-fatihah pun tak boleh.. macamana bro? Selagi kau ISLAM bro, kau kena sensitif tentang hal macam ni.

    Bagi yang maki-maki tu, agak-agak lah. Tegur lah cara elok. Si Obe takde lah teruk benor. Apa-apa aku doakan kau tu si obe bahagia. Jangan tunang lama2. Tak elok. Seronok hidup bernikah ni obe. :) semoga berkekalan. Amin. orait bro.

  37. skrg sapa yg start dulu...kalau korang nak defend obe nih sekalipun takyah la bodoh,anjingkan kan org lain, marah la budak2 tu..dan kaupun obe kalau kau terus terang dr awl takda la sampai bdk2 ni nak babitkan tunang kau tu..

  38. melayu dengan perangai budak hingusan,menyerang personal orang bila dituduh slah mereka.

    Sama seperti orang bertanya, "kau ni gay atau tak, jawab ya atau tidak"

    Si malay yang bangang akan menjawab.."Kau tu bagus sangat, berzina sana sini, kau ingat aku gay, kau ingat aku gay??"

    Bodoh kan, tak jawab soalan tapi pertikai benda lain pada orang yang bertanya.

    Aku taklah setuju dengan setiap kata-kata obe, tapi bila all this meleis attack something inhuman to obe, memang nampak sangat perangai budak bodoh tak matang macam budak hingusan yang bila hingus selsema depa sedut balik. In human maksud aku attack benda personal la,lol.

    Agak2 bila depa takleh mengutuk, apa agaknya depa buat,depa jadi boring and fuck diri sendiri kot. muahaha.

  39. KuburAkuBukanlahKuburmu9 October 2011 at 13:50

    let them be bro... kubur masing2 kan? hahahahaha.... (korek sendiri tanam sendiri...)

  40. wowowowowo bro

    i never read any post from you that involved so much anger + piss off

    the hater will be hater

    just do what you do good,in a period of time they will come around and put their respect to you

    fuck'em and maybe there a reason for all this shit,what so that offend them might be the blind spot that you never wish to see

    -just my 2 cent,btw im hoping you will be strong and i kno u will endure this hate,stay solid bro

  41. Raziq poyo mak kambing bapak ayam

    lol, konek keciklah bising2 on the net

    jumpa depan depanlah kalau ada konek

  42. Sebelum mengomen sila ambik ingglish edukesyen..

  43. Dear Obe,

    Aku pun ada gak benda yg tak stuju dgn hang. Baik dr segi idea mahupun penyampaian. Pada aku ada sesetgh idea hang nie sebnarnya tak tepat dan tak betul dan ada ada juga cara penyampaian hang nie sgt arrogant. Seolah hang saja betul dan org lain bodoh dan salah.

    Sungguh pun begitu, aku akui hang bijak dan berilmu. Byk gak general knowledge yg aku dpt dr hang.

    Namun begitu, berkaitan dgn attack hang punya tunang, pd aku tu sudah lebih. Aku tak pasti itu hanya just for fun or play for them,atau itu adalah jihad (yg nyata sesat). Either way, ia sgt tak profesional memalukan.

    Anyway, byk lah bersabar. Kerana dihujung setiap sabar (insya'allah)akan menghasilkan kemenangan.

  44. attention to raziq ko suka2 je kta orang bodo...ko la bodo pantat..kalo ko tak bodoh ko tak masuk MSU..universtiti untuk orang bodo..kalo ko pandai ko masuk USM macam aku..

  45. ur meleis ppl can nvr change...
    y care? delete je...

    they do not wish 2 learn about nyting, ignorance is awesome 4 them.. sohai..

  46. bukan slalu bleh nengok Obe buthurt ni....

  47. Kau memang patut moderate dari dulu lagi. Biar yang mencarut2 dan menggelar2 kepada orang yang bagi nasihat pun di moderate sekali. Serbanistas tak serbanistas la.

    Tapi apa bezanya kita dengan mereka kalau perangai sama.

    Teruskan menulis. Cuma harap ko dapat balik rentak macam mana ko masih lagi menulis di obefiend.blogspot. Sebab serius, dalam tahun ni, aku rasa ada cara penulisan kau yang keterlaluan.

    Sama macam meleis yang kena bala baru nak sedar, aku harap ko anggap ni wake up call untuk kau. Tak semestinya benda yang kita anggap benar tu sentiasa benar, dan tak semestinya benda yang kita anggap salah tu sentiasa salah.

  48. 'kubur masing-masing' is only applied when u dig/bury ur grave by urself without bothering others what so ever. if u think when u die, u will have abilities to walk and bury urself, then say 'kubur masing-masing'. if ur sure that tsunamis, typhoon, earthquake will struck only the sinners, then go on by saying 'kubur masing-masing'..

  49. Obe~, don't mind those people. They're just trying to get on your nerves.
    While everyone else evolved into the civilized modern men, those people just remained neanderthals! That's why they don't have manners.

  50. this is why blogserius is fun to read. why so serrriousss??

  51. komen pasal orang beriman tapi perangai mcm yahudi...aku ade sorang membe macam nie....memang tak guna sesen pun...

  52. Dear Anonymous who goes to USM :

    whats difference does it make which ever university/college/school you go to that proves you are much smarter than others? What proof do you have to actually validate your irrelevant fact that studying in USM makes you smarter than MSU or which ever uni you go to? USM ke MSU ke. knowledge is knowledge. right there you just made yourself sound stupid, you know that?

    For the record, you just embarassed USM because of you stupidity. Because USM wouldn't produce such low and fickle minded being like you.


  53. They are just jealous for who you are and what you are right now...and so they attacked the innocent and weak one @ ur fiancee...

    If they have the balls say it to your face...if not eat their own balls..cowards for those who attack your love one but not you...

    Stay strong keep your heads up go on writing for i will be one of those readers reading your blog posting everyday :)

    God bless :)

  54. *Terima Kasih Steve Jobs. Rest In Peace. We will miss you. I know god is merciful. I know god is fair. I know god is maha pengampun dan pengasih. You belong in heaven for all the good deed you have done for humanity. Goobye Steve.......
    ---> Allah mmg Maha Pengampun & Pengasih.. Xkan y'all xtahu yg masuk neraka eventually will go to heaven..Semua akan diampunkan juga..Yes God is merciful. cume bezanye they all will have a 'sign' on their foreheads stating they've gone through hell n shits..It's hard when ppl have limited capacity to absorb more information..Or they are just plain lazy to read.

  55. i had my taste of meleis idiocy for some time. rest assured, u hv my full support obe.

  56. know what..even in godfather said " they gonna come at u by killing ur love one" hahaha

  57. soo many people playing god in here

  58. Dimanakah budak2 yang butthurt yang hanya duduk di depan monitor, bersenjatakan keyboard, berilmukan google, menggunakan nama anonymous.. Damn.. sebelum baca komen pon aku dah tahu dah.. mesti ramai budak2 yang kononnya alim akan komen tak betul la.. jew la.. pejadah semua.. typical malay = condemn org no 1 = sendiri buat tak berani

  59. Post regarding religions, yes it is sensitive but sometimes we just have to know that not every religion is perfect, even Muslims.

    Even making fitnahs about people and calling names are not Islamic so ya... do what you have to do to protect your loved ones from mulut macam saitan. :D

  60. owh..ada perasaan ghopanya

  61. Congkak said...
    *Terima Kasih Steve Jobs. Rest In Peace. We will miss you. I know god is merciful. I know god is fair. I know god is maha pengampun dan pengasih. You belong in heaven for all the good deed you have done for humanity. Goobye Steve.......

    Aku pun akui Steve memang terbaik tapi baca ni bro obe, selagi agama kau tu ISLAM.. ayat atas tu totally fails sebab ALLAH SWT hanya iktiraf umat manusia yang beragama ISLAM. Yang beragama bukan ISLAM, semua yang akil bahligh adalah golongan kafir yakni automatik masuk ke dalam neraka walau sebaik mana pun insan tu. Nak sedekah Al-fatihah pun tak boleh.. macamana bro? Selagi kau ISLAM bro, kau kena sensitif tentang hal macam ni.

    Seems like many of you didn't notice this. He wrote that GOD is merciful blah3..he doesn't state Allah..therefore you can't blame him for the words he use for SJ post...

    To Obe, keep up ur nice job. can't stop reading your post since the 1st day..n for the people outside,pls stop the blaming culture...we're all human n human do make mistake...n most importantly don't bash some1 who doesn't even wrong (obe's fiance)

  62. freedom of speech12 October 2011 at 11:26

    biasa la obe..ko pun selalu kan kutuk org n keluarga org, so kalau org pulak kutuk tunang ko, kena la terima. what u give, u get back la..

    by the way, kesian sape yg jadi tunang ko. LOL

  63. assalam sahabat2 seugama dan sebangsa.. ni pendapat aku la.. minta maaf kalu salah noo.. hanyalah pendapat.. bagi aku jgn laa kita semua malu dgn islam kita.. agama kita.. kalu nak kata serbanitas.. ya aku suka sebanistas.. aku suka pakai serban ssb tu antara sunnah rasul.. ya akhlak mungkin tak cantik sgt.. tapi aku suka ngaku aku muslim.. walau tak sejati tapi sama cuba buat yg terbaik walau tak sebaik orang.. lagi satu aku bangga jadi bangsa melayu sebab itu yg tuhan tetapkan pada aku.. aku redha jadi melayu sbb tuhan yg menghendaki.. kalu tak cukup ilmu kita bley cari.. contoh kat bloq obe ni byk benda2 ilmu.. tapi jgn smpai ilmu kita buat kita jauh dari iman kepada ALLAH..

  64. assalam sahabat2 seugama dan sebangsa.. ni pendapat aku la.. minta maaf kalu salah noo.. hanyalah pendapat.. bagi aku jgn laa kita semua malu dgn islam kita.. agama kita.. kalu nak kata serbanitas.. ya aku suka sebanistas.. aku suka pakai serban ssb tu antara sunnah rasul.. ya akhlak mungkin tak cantik sgt.. tapi aku suka ngaku aku muslim.. walau tak sejati tapi sama cuba buat yg terbaik walau tak sebaik orang.. lagi satu aku bangga jadi bangsa melayu sebab itu yg tuhan tetapkan pada aku.. aku redha jadi melayu sbb tuhan yg menghendaki.. kalu tak cukup ilmu kita bley cari.. contoh kat bloq obe ni byk benda2 ilmu.. tapi jgn smpai ilmu kita buat kita jauh dari iman kepada ALLAH..

  65. weh obe ko tulis macam ni lagi la diorang tu tak paham kah kah kah kah

  66. kimak tol la bebudak kampung ni. nak bercakap pasal agama lah islam lah pegi masjid sana la. sini blog orang2 urban yang terpelajar saja. kalau tak suka sila pegi blog lain. BODOH TAK BOLEH DIAJAR. kadang2 aku rasa diorang ni mungkin troll saja.

    1. jgn makin pandai ilmu pengetahuan tapi cetek ilmu agama..makin tinggi sanjungan, makin nipis iman di dada..

  67. Anonymous kt atas aku nie :
    Ko la pukimak nak mencarut kt org yg pertahankan agama apehal??ko tak munkin islam...ko kapir kot...pegi sembah pokok...tak payah nk mencarut kt org yg sygkan aga Islam..bodo takde otak..urban la sgt ko, tgk2 muke jauh lg kampung dari org aslu...hak tuih!!



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