Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Serius LOL - Jenama Makanan Yang Paling Tinja #2


Kah kah kah! Ini serius shit

Lapora asal Twitter @Art_Harun


  1. Replies
    1. ckp obe gemok la bodo!

    2. obe gemok la bodo!

    3. Anon 12:59, lu pehal nak kate anon bodo? ini bole menimbulkan kemarahan persatuan anon-anon sedunia...

    4. Anon 13:09 Babi... bodoh...

    5. Free air asia ->

    6. Serious aku suke awek kelantan, rase nak nenennnn jer semua. Geram dooohhh

    7. kenapa? kenapa? kenapa aku jew yang asyik ditinggalkan? ape salah aku eh? aku tak menghargai ke? huhu. aku da cuba yang terbaik. tapi aku masih ditinggalkan. sabar jew la. mungkin ini semua dugaan dan ujian buat aku kowt. aku pun tak tahu sebenarnya. huhuu

      Time aku da sayang kat someone 2 sangat2. time 2 gak mereka tinggalkan aku. huhu. rase macam tertipu jew selama menjalinkan perhubungan 2. tapi saya kena redha. dalam hati kecil aku ni. masih ada secebis rasa cinta dan sayang kat dia. aku tak macam dia. aku tak boleh lupakan someone yang aku btul2 syang dan cinta.

      Walau sekejam mana pun mereka 2. perasaan 2 masih ada. :') aku macam 2 orangnya . tak tahu pulak korang kan. setiap kali aku tengok picture dia. mesti rase "patah seribu" dan rase nak nanges + rindu pun ade. huhu.

      kadang2 hati aku berkata "aku nak dia semula!!" . tapi 2 semua hanya mimpi buatku. dia da tak sayang aku sebagai mana aku sayangkan dia. dia hanya suka kat aku. aku yang terover2 kan. malunya rase diri ini. kengkawan rapat aku pun ramai yang kata "move on wan!" . aku memang boleh move on. tapi bila aku free, dan terpandang picture dia. mesti perasaan cinta dan sayang 2 datang semula. =.=" huhuuu
      sajak ini khas untuk insan yang aku cintai..

      Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta
      Kian terbiar
      Terpendam kata
      Tak terungkap selamanya

      Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
      Mahu memilikinya
      Aku hanya hamba cinta

      Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
      Sungguh aku tak bisa
      Biarlah ku sendiri
      Tanpa kasih di hati

      Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
      Cinta yang menyakiti
      Biarlah aku pergi
      Tiada hampa di hati

      Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
      Mahu memilikinya
      Aku hanya hamba cinta

      Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
      Sungguh aku tak bisa
      Biarlah ku sendiri
      Tanpa kasih di hati

      Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
      Cinta yang menyakiti
      Biarlah aku pergi
      Tiada hampa di hati
      Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta

      aku sngt syangkan dia..sob..sob...

    8. modal RM10... jom daftar percuma...

    9. Anwar Ibrahim- Pemimpin paling suci
      Karpal Sigh - Hero rakyat
      Ambiga - Srikandi negara
      Mat Sabu - Tokoh Perpaduan agama

    10. babi punya pakatan...
      mana obe gemok tak update blok ni..
      beromen ngn miss mean ker...

  2. korg smua bangkai..korg mkn siput babi x?

  3. Nik Aziz Penjual Agama20 February 2013 at 13:07

    rakyat kelantan memang al tahi.sememangnya mereke hidup merempat.makan sampah dan minum air ketum.makin ramai yang tak suke kelantan. percayala. mesti banyak komen2 anti kelantan selepas ini.kelntn memg poengotor dan suke main dengan bini org. jangan sangkal dakwaan ini. sila terima.akhir sekali.hapus2 kelantan

    1. Hidp Najib Razak!!! Hidup Rosmah Mansor!! Hidup Barisan Nasional... Undilah BN... ingat jase2 dorang, BR1M, BL1m, PR1MA... Hidup BN!! Hidup BN!! Hidup BN!! Hidup BN!! Hidup BN!!
      Komen ini ditaja oleh: BN

    2. Hidup POTATO!!!


    3. alahai bodohnye comment org2 kt sini..... x membangun langsung.... silalah comment dan jadi org bodoh

    4. anti-kelantan? main dgn bini org?wat the fuck? mcmni ke org mlayu,dengki tgk negeri org len.dlm tenet best r cakap,dasar bacul,dayus,penakut,keji..,ckp besar lebey drpd TAIK..main dgn bini org,pengotor,hidup merempat,org klntan je ke cmtu??awat negeri lain takdak ka mcmtu? HAHAHAH haktuihhh BURNN!

    5. Nik Aziz Penjual Agama20 February 2013 at 15:54

      sorry kawan.gua orang cina.kenapa gua cakap camtu? lu tengok la kelantan la pengidap HIV. 3kali wei dia sapu anugerah tu. lu pegi la tau la. lu akan rasa duduk dekat negeri sampah dan semua orang anti orang luar

    6. bgsla melayu ngaku cina....ada da org murtad.....sembang jela lu....setakat tulis2 sni bleh la...bacul la lu...malu la sket haha

    7. Menagku cina terus murtad ke?kau ni bahalol ke ape?

    8. kelantan klantan babi

    9. ala org kelantan kan org zaman batu.pemikirian drg pun pemikiran org zaman xde pun nak naikkan isu perkauman tp drg bila dah jumpa geng drg tu terus lupa sahabat dr negeri lain.mengaku jelah bukan luak pun.dah dasar org kelantan ni kolot.

    10. Nik Aziz Penjual Agama20 February 2013 at 19:50

      tengok la perangai org melayu. cam cilaka. je
      dengar cina je di cop rasis. ape dia ingat orang islam je kene melayu?

      bodoh. aku convert sejak 2000.
      tapi aku geram dengan kelantan yang berlagak alim tapi liwat anak aku sendiri

    11. aq sendiri org cina jd jgn nak kutuk org cina cina xde perkauman cam org kelantan.dia kalu jumpa geng dia xdelah dia nak tinggal member dia tu tidak pada org kelantan sejati.mmg perangai drg terus sial!!!!.nama je serambi mekah tp bape byk jenayah yg drg dah lakukan.aktiviti seludup dah jd rutin drg,negeri lain kalu buat jenayah pun xkisah sbb bukan negeri drg yg bernama serambi mekah.nama je kelantan yg dikatakan negeri yg mengamalkan islam tp drg sendiri pun hampeh.xhbis2lah ceramah agama tp still juga cam celaka.baek krg org kelantan pupus je.

    12. Kau org cine?? Kalu mak bapak pundek kau memang asal melayu, x pyah berangan nk jd cina la pundek oii.
      Kaum dayak pun xnak kau tau x? Pundek.

    13. yang hang sakit hati kat kelantan pasai pa..dia ketit hang ka...tobiaq melaun musibat

    14. aku orang kedah suka ja dengan kelantan...pelaq UMNGOK


    16. Kepada nik aziz penjual agama, bapak ko dah la x sunat... Kulup panjang sama mcm lidah..

    17. Sudah2 la orang kelantan, jangan dok bergaduh lagi sesama sendiri, bangkit! jangan sampai kaum mu di pijak!

    18. yang mengutuk tu orang kelantan jugak, yg dipinggirkan, yg dikutuk tu kelantan jugak. BAHALOL kelantan ni semua

    19. Sedih gila baca komen2 dari budak2 x lulus SPM kat sini..

      Melayu2... bilalah kau nak bangkit dan jadi cerdik. Kalau nk caci pembangkang pun, tolong tulis komen2 yang cerdik sikit dan ade point2. Bukannya mencaci, hina kosong.

      aku boleh menilai mcm mana sikap penyokon2g tegar BN bile bace komen kat blog nih. Org2 bodoh rupanya haha

    20. BN, KELANTAN, PAS, semua bodoh. yang cerdik sekali kat muka bumi ini Anon atas ni.

  4. Replies
    1. muke buruk.sila bunuh diri

    2. Tetek please....

    3. nok harom...

    4. hai, awak kelantan ke? berahi betul la

    5. pundek macha! main dengan ladyboy. kahkah.

    6. muke u cam jamban... tapi i tak kesah... as long as u kolom konek i... i sanggup berjimak dengan u Amirah... Konek i besa... pasti akan buat u puas di ranjang...!!

  5. Gerakan Tolak Kelantan GETOLAKEL20 February 2013 at 13:09

    TUMPAT : Dua pelajar lelaki yang baru berusia 15 tahun bagaikan syaitan apabila meliwat seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 10 tahun yang tinggal sekampung di Kampung Baru Nelayan, Tumpat, kelmarin.

    Kedua-dua pelajar tingkatan tiga itu ditahan di rumah masing-masing di kampung berkenaan selepas bapa mangsa membuat laporan polis pada hari sama anaknya diliwat.

    Sumber berkata, kejadian berlaku pada jam 1.30 tengah hari ketika mangsa yang bersendirian di rumah, dipelawa seorang suspek ke rumahnya.

    "Budak perempuan itu ke rumah seorang suspek yang jaraknya 80 meter dari rumah mangsa. Ketika berada dalam bilik di rumah suspek, dia diliwat.

    "Selepas pulang ke rumah, mangsa mengadu sakit pada bahagian dubur sebelum memberitahu kejadian sebenar kepada ibu bapanya yang berusia 40-an," katanya.

    Menurutnya, bapa mangsa membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Tumpat dan anaknya dihantar ke Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II (HRPZ II) untuk pemeriksaan lanjut. -hm

    1. adoi.boringnyaa...hari2 hidup ko mcm ni je ke lahanat,dengki dgn org,negeri org..aku bkn klntan pun malu siak sbb tpksa brkongsi ngara dgn haram jadah pukimak cm ngko,.

    2. Gerakan Tolak Kelantan GETOLAKEL20 February 2013 at 15:52

      opps sori.aku org takde la nak berkongsi dengan negara kau yang huru hara dan kacau bilau dengan bini pemimpin yang bangang, so amacam ye babi?

    3. pulak dah xngaku dari ngra mn hahaha renung la balik wei....hari2 keje ko khianat org...dengki org....xrasa trok lg ke dri org kelantan yg ko xske sngt tu....

    4. dah pulak.. bukak blog sendiri la weh. nk buat blog kat ruangan komen ni buat ap?

    5. Gerakan Tolak Kelantan GETOLAKEL ni la meleis paling sundal. Hidup di negeri sendiri, tapi jadi penjilat bontot cina dan org kelantan. tu yg dia bengang. berlagak nak mampos. tapi bodoh macam dungu. BABI MELEIS MCM TU LA PERANGAI

  6. Takder harapan la blog kau Obe oi.
    Boleh aje org nak tanya, apasal nama gitu, kat mana jual etc.

    Alih-alih cerita AntiKelate jugak keluar. Kuang hajo betul...
    Berani pasal Anon? Harem...

    1. pukimak lu sama macam puki diam!

    2. puki nenek anon atas ni lg berkulat!! cium jubur rosmah doplapatjam

    3. saya akan cari awak anon2 di atas

    4. sabar la sayang.. jangan marah2..
      pedulikan je.diaorang x ade otak semua
      abang kan ada. hehehehe

  7. is barang baik is barang baik is barang baik

  8. bukak2 comment..asik2 iklan bodoh anti-klntan, makhluk xde anu pegi pos blmbak2,sanggup lg copy-paste berita online..lolololo..bodo sial,boring gila da hidup korg,hari2 xtenang sbb dengki..haramjadah.boring aku ngan blog ni

  9. Psy 싸이 (Official)20 February 2013 at 15:24

    한국어의 내용분석을 위한 프로그램의 이해와 적용 에서 제공된 지역혁신에 관한 뉴스를 대상으로 Oppa gangnam style!!!

    yang benar,

    1. are you ready for bnnnnnn !!!!!

    2. are u ready for liwat?yes



    1. Setakat sembang dalam ni boleh la.

    2. carlos santiago. aku tak sembang. bak sini nombor tel ko. alamat rumah ko. aku nak cari

    3. nak cerita kau taiko la?


    5. 248 Pichitbumrung Road,
      Tambol Bang Nak, Amphur Muang,
      Narathiwat 96000, Thailand

      Tel : +66 7351 5545-50

      Tu alamat dan aku. Jemputlah datang.

    6. Carlos Santiago pencacai dap.

    7. si santiago sini sembang lebat la.dekat blog lain cam pundek je bahasa mencarut2 jugak.babi nye santiago nama dahla cam paderi.bodoh nye carlos.banyak makan tahi lembu

    8. Sejak tahun 2000 tak pegi kedai kelantan....kakakah..tapi sebelum tu pengunjung setia..hari2 makan nasi kelantan.tahun 2000 baru nak mapuh laa natey hanjing..balik kocak jubo mok mung la babi..kelik isak pelir pok mung nuh..baso anok luar nikoh..wauu..pandai nye mencarut dlm bahasa kelate.

    9. Mak kau menyundal kat chow kit..rm25 seround..babi betul..puki busuk mak kau

    10. ko xyah makan kedai kelantafuq... kotor...paham2 la bile datang negeri org...

      dah laa samseng..koya alim...

    11. Xheran setakat meleis kolot mcm ko xdtg kedai kelantan. ko mmg setaraf mkn d kedai mamak. sbb keturunan indon meleis mcm ko mmg suka hamis mamak. Org kelantan sama mcm org cina. selalu kna hina. sbb tu org cina dan org kelantan boleh berniaga bsama. bukan mcm ko..meleis yg hanya tau kutuk dlm blog.

      Poyo jer tunjuk samseng dalam ni. Meleis! Tambah lagi melayu johor! Bodoh dan Meleis!

    12. ini adalah gila babi

  11. kepale bapak korang!!!

  12. minyak al tahi diproses daripada proses nyahtinja babun yang mengeluarkan minyak dari lubang duburnya

  13. Salam.. Obe saya rasa semua komen2 kat sini tak ada satu pn yg bertanyakan tentang apa yg awak nak bagi tahu tentang topik yang awak share utk semua.. masing2 mengeluarkan kata2 kesat menghina orang lain, bangsa lain, negeri lain.. saya rasa awak sebagai pemilik blog ni ada kuasa untuk menghentikan semua ni sebab tak mendatangkan faedah pada org lain.. ini sekadar pendapat sebab bagi saya blog awak bagus dan ramai pengikut.. jgn kerana mereka yang mementingkan diri awak yg dapat masalah.. wasalam..

    1. memang dia dah disable anon dulu. tpi die ni kan nak kejar populariti rating blog dia.die tau bile disable tak datang berkali nak tengok komen2 yang dorg letak dekat sini sebagai anon..... dulu penah dia buat 2 3 bulan kot. memang komen2 cantik. memang ke arah topik yang di post. tapi die tau rating tak die bukak balik anon

      salah sekarang ni salah si obe ni lsa.kadang2 aku tak faham anutan agama die ni.terlalu urban sangat.selalu memperlekehkan agama. patot tuhan tak kurniakan dia anak sebab takut anak dia malu dapat bapak dia yang suke memperlekehkan agama sendiri.
      benda ini obe leh hentikan.tapi dia yang taknak disable anon.......

    2. komen anon adalah wajib untuk enable kat sini.
      kami lah yang bagi duit riban2 sebulan untuk
      obe luncai nie maintain blog ni dengan klik iklan2 yang ada...kalau kami x ada. earning bulan2 akan jatuh mendadak

      maju lah obe untuk negara

      hidup hidup !!! hidup anon !!!

    3. aku bukak blog ni bukan nak baca post la..aku nak baca komen anon..

    4. Salam.. raja puan sy setuju sgt.. walaupn obe nk maintain kan blog dia.. agama dan nilai2 moral jgn la lupe.. yg anonymous tu ckp majulah obe utk negara.. sy bace blog dia sbb sy nk dia maju.. hidup anon? hahaha.. sy xkisah pn anon nak hidup ke mati ke.. sy nk bace post obe kt blog serius.. nak dpt ilmu dunia walaupun xde akhirat.. malu lah pada diri sendiri.. kamu baca tiap2 titik patah perkataan tu yang kamu komen.. mendatangkan kemudaratan pada diri sendiri.. walaupn bukan sekarang.. nanti masa hadapan.. wasalam..

    5. Obe kejar duniawi jer...sedih-sedih. Makin lama makin teruk blog nih. Aku dah lama x masuk blog nih, hari nih baru masuk. Bila tgk komen2 kat sini, mmg hari ni hari last aku visit blog nih. Buh-bye blogserius

  14. saya setuju dengan pendapat anon 17:28...komen yang diutarakan mencerminkan nilai diri masing2...berilah komen dengan bijak

    1. saya registered user.ada blog tapi takut nak guna akaun. nanti mesti kene hentam dengan anon walau pun kite komen elok2.....
      saya betul2 tak faham apa yang obe nak dalam hidup dia. tak b0oleh ke di disable terus anon. atau nak sangat ada anon. make sure tapis dulu. verify dulu bfore approve...kan senang....

  15. Buto la anon 17:28!

    1. ade aku kesah? wahahahahahahaha

  16. Obe sendiri pon anti dia biar jelah..duit haram yg dia dpt dari bukak blog ni bg makan bini dia,duit haram dari caci maki anon ,hasad dengki anon kpd org kelantan dlm blog ni obe kasi keluarga dia mkn..di akhirat nti pasti kena soal..lg rmai readers plus caci maki hasad dengki sifat syaitan yg obe semai dlm blog dia..tahniah obe sbb ko membuta tuli buat xnmpk sbb ko pon anti kelantan..

  17. Org kelantan pengotor tahi macam babi.. bedebah laknatullah

  18. Org kelantan ngan terengganu best..kote pompuan negeri lain sila isap kote org negeri kelantan ngan terengganu. Kote kat negeri korg tak basuh.tak besunat.selalu lancap.kecik dan lembik.mcm anon2 yg kutuk kelantan kat atas ni.

  19. Isk isk isk. Jangan bertelagah sesama Kita wahai sahabat. Islam x mengajar Kita mcm ni

  20. Obe asal blog ko dh x sebest dulu news pon dh yg komen pon mkin meraban, Xde yg membuka minda langsung dh x best ar cam nie... Kpd kkwn yg trasa maafla ye sye kc ni pendpat yg membina bukan mrudum ye ;)peace

  21. walau obe tak disable anon, dia sebenarnya ada pilihan untuk memadam komen2 yg melampaui batas, tapi di xnak sebab selain daripada xnak rating blog jatuh, bagi dia itulah hiburan untuk dia. dia suka sebenarnya tengok orang bergaduh sesama sendiri, mencaci menghina sesama sendiri, main2kan agama, dia suka benda2 tu. semua tu ada pada sifat2 syaitan, so apa beza obe dengan syaitan sebenarnya?

    1. obe syaitan !

    2. Bezanya. Syaithon boleh beranak, bini Obe tak leh beranak pasal Obe pipit tenggelam

  22. hahaha look at all of you funny mohamadeans

    cursing and mocking each other

    wow, so this is called religion of peace, more like religion of pieces !

    even your prophet knows this

    pity u all

    hope u all have a happy afterlife coz i doubt u all gonna get with all stupidity.

    1. Awww. C'mon. Diss the people. Not the religion. :) .

    2. So, kalau mencarut maki hamun harus dikaitkan dengan agama?
      Every people love to mocking and cursing each other on internet because they are literally invisible. Regardless of faith, races, nationality etc. Doesnt mean their religion sanction all these nonsense.
      Get a life a dude. Funny anon trying to look smart.

  23. Obe tu liberal sgt..maklum lah org belajar oversea,bwk balik fahaman liberal...xsemua gitu,yg culture shock je yg jadi gitu..lgpun,apa yg dia peduli ngn komen2 negatif anon2,pencacai semua..yg penting rating naik,duit poket masuk,korg2 yg baru nak up yg duk maki memaki tu dpt dosa..obe gelak j baca komen sampah korg..mentaliti rendah,sama lah dgn effi obefiend...sorry,blog ni da masuk sbb nk baca komen,bkn baca apa yg obe tulis low!

  24. Obe aku mohon ko disable la balik komen anon2 lahanat. diorang hanya berani menyalak mcm anjing tapi xberani nak guna register id.

    Anon2..hidup xda tujuan. ari2 buka intenet pastu bg komen bodoh. Habuk pun tarak dosa free je dpt.

    1. merepek saje ko nie lah MIDNIGHT

  25. Alaa.. yg suruh disable anon tu mesti dari negeri yg paling bersih jitu di m'sia yakni serambi mekah kan?

    #bapak panji alam

  26. oii babi gemok obe...disable laa ano...juboo luu...

    makan duit dari rating blog...

    fuck u gemok

    1. Disable Anon PLZZZ...

    2. Anonymous21 February 2013 08:10
      ko pergi mampus lah siallll!

  27. org kelantan macam babi merempat negeri orang pastu wat samseng..sial babi org kelantan maen bini org pemalas

    1. Ko lagi mcm babi. Ko dengki dgn kelantan sbb ko kerja dgn cina. jadi tukang lap jubo cina. org kelantan dgn org cina bersatu dlm perniagaan. untuk jadikan meleis lain tukang lap jubo kami. Padan muka ko meleis! tanah ko habis kena beli ngn org kelantan dan org cina. sedarlah ko tu meleis! pandai menyalak dalam ni jer. mcm babi!

  28. kecibaian bermula tak kala rakyat melayu mcm obe x geti bahasa arab. sedih . belajar bahasa arab. ...

  29. Kuala Lumpur: “Jangan salahkan Fizz dalam hal ini kerana dia mangsa penganiayaan dan penipuan.

    “Saya cukup mengenali wanita itu kerana dia isteri yang ‘sakit’ selepas lapan bulan hilang ingatan,” kata suami kepada bekas tunangan pelakon, Fizz Fairuz, 34, yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Ramli (bukan nama sebenar), 40-an.

    Itu permintaan Ramli kepada masyarakat agar tidak terus menyalahkan Fizz selepas kecewa tindakan ‘malu’ isteri keduanya yang menipu aktor terbabit sehingga mengadakan majlis pertunangan secara diam dengan pelakon itu, 10 Februari lalu.

    Muka depan Harian Metro semalam melaporkan Fizz berasa tertipu dengan tindakan seorang wanita berusia 26 tahun yang mengakui dirinya belum berkahwin sebelum mereka bertunang di Kuantan, Pahang.

    Namun, empat hari selepas bertunang, barulah Fizz mengetahui tunangnya itu isteri orang sejurus dimaklumkan kawan kepada adik wanita itu dan memutuskan hubungannya, Ahad lalu.

    Ramli berkata, punca isterinya bertindak demikian kerana kesunyian berikutan kurang diberi perhatian selepas mereka bernikah di selatan Thailand beberapa tahun lalu.

    Wanita itu isteri kedua dan diakui ia kesilapan saya bernikah dengannya tanpa memaklumkan kepada isteri pertama serta keluarganya (keluarga isteri kedua).

    “Namun tidak disangka, perkahwinan di Thailand memberi kesan negatif kepada Fizz, sekali gus memburukkan namanya,” katanya memaklumkan sudah berjumpa pelakon itu di Subang Jaya, Sabtu lalu dan menceritakan segala-galanya.

    Sumber memaklumkan, selepas berkahwin, pasangan itu tidak mendaftarkan perkahwinan mereka di mana-mana pejabat agama dalam negara.

    Menurut Ramli, walaupun bergelar suami isteri, dia jarang berjumpa wanita itu selepas bimbang perkahwinan mereka diketahui isteri pertama.

    “Biarpun sibuk, saya tetap membayar nafkah, menyediakan pakaian, tempat tinggal serta kenderaan,” katanya memaklumkan hanya berjumpa wanita itu beberapa kali dalam sebulan.

    Menceritakan percintaan bersama Fizz, Ramli berkata, isterinya menggunakan telefon bimbit miliknya untuk berkomunikasi termasuk mengadakan temujanji untuk keluar bersama.

    “Saya tidak meletakkan kesalahan itu ke atas Fizz kerana sepanjang perkenalan mereka, dia ditipu kononnya isteri saya belum berkahwin sehinggalah majlis pertunangan diatur,” katanya.

    Kata Ramli, keluarga wanita itu turut tidak mengetahui kedudukan sebenar kerana isterinya tidak pernah memaklumkan mengenai perkahwinan mereka.

    Menurutnya, wanita itu kini masih isterinya yang sah biarpun perkahwinan di Thailand tidak didaftarkan.

    1. sangat sedeh berita ini, kami yg membaca merasa bosan lalu membunuh diri dengan cara menghempas hempas tubuh ke lantai - funaki

  30. wei obe, ko off la anon comment..

  31. obe dh lame xupdate ni beliau idop lg ke?

  32. kenapa? kenapa? kenapa aku jew yang asyik ditinggalkan? ape salah aku eh? aku tak menghargai ke? huhu. aku da cuba yang terbaik. tapi aku masih ditinggalkan. sabar jew la. mungkin ini semua dugaan dan ujian buat aku kowt. aku pun tak tahu sebenarnya. huhuu

    Time aku da sayang kat someone 2 sangat2. time 2 gak mereka tinggalkan aku. huhu. rase macam tertipu jew selama menjalinkan perhubungan 2. tapi saya kena redha. dalam hati kecil aku ni. masih ada secebis rasa cinta dan sayang kat dia. aku tak macam dia. aku tak boleh lupakan someone yang aku btul2 syang dan cinta.

    Walau sekejam mana pun mereka 2. perasaan 2 masih ada. :') aku macam 2 orangnya . tak tahu pulak korang kan. setiap kali aku tengok picture dia. mesti rase "patah seribu" dan rase nak nanges + rindu pun ade. huhu.

    kadang2 hati aku berkata "aku nak dia semula!!" . tapi 2 semua hanya mimpi buatku. dia da tak sayang aku sebagai mana aku sayangkan dia. dia hanya suka kat aku. aku yang terover2 kan. malunya rase diri ini. kengkawan rapat aku pun ramai yang kata "move on wan!" . aku memang boleh move on. tapi bila aku free, dan terpandang picture dia. mesti perasaan cinta dan sayang 2 datang semula. =.=" huhuuu
    sajak ini khas untuk insan yang aku cintai..

    Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta
    Kian terbiar
    Terpendam kata
    Tak terungkap selamanya

    Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
    Mahu memilikinya
    Aku hanya hamba cinta

    Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
    Sungguh aku tak bisa
    Biarlah ku sendiri
    Tanpa kasih di hati

    Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
    Cinta yang menyakiti
    Biarlah aku pergi
    Tiada hampa di hati

    Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa
    Mahu memilikinya
    Aku hanya hamba cinta

    Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya
    Sungguh aku tak bisa
    Biarlah ku sendiri
    Tanpa kasih di hati

    Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi
    Cinta yang menyakiti
    Biarlah aku pergi
    Tiada hampa di hati
    Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta

    aku sngt syangkan dia..sob..sob...

  33. Newsflash..

    OBEfat has been kidnapped by the german so called 'kelantanese' and believed to be held hostage until further requestf from kelantanese will be fulfilled by the red lips najib

  34. orang pahang benci budak kelantan yang menyemak kat sini.

  35. i love pepe..


  36. macam budak2 bodoh je pengkomen2 kt blog ni

  37. .... tumpang lalu...... terima kasih.... :)


  39. Apeke puki lembab si obepig nk buat entry baru nih

  40. Sekarang hangat di alamaya dewasa di seluroh dunia permintaan videoporn bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Nuar Jubor bersama Cina Doll mendapat permintaan yg paling ngetop dari video2 dewasa dan blue flem. Nama Nuar Jubor terus menjadi fofular di serata dunia. Waalaupun kena suntikan HIV, racun arsenik, sakit tulang belakang kronik, videoporn aksi seorang Hero Tamil, peliwat terkutok, agen barua Yahudi Zionist Neocons, begitu gelojoh terjungkang jungkit, terlentang, kuak kupu2, corner baring, sihat walafiat, malah berenergi, melakukan perbuatan terkutok, berzina dgn pelacur jalanan, yg ini diangkat oleh isteri sebgai anukera tuhan dan Osetat Badroll Swiss Garden Hotel, yg menggila kaunselin isteri2 penyokong Pgayr menjilat sebagai Imam mahadi. Negara bakal menjadi negera yg akan diketawakan,"the laughing stock" di seluroh dunia dan terkeluar dunia, mendapat PM seorang aktor dalam videoporn terkutok lagi jijik. Disokong menggila oleh Sang Isteri pelakon murahan, diangkat dan disanjung oleh pencacai2 dan penjilat2 Fuckatn haramjadah.Yg sedar, insaf dan bertaubatlah, segerala selamatkanalh diri dan keluarga, jauhilah dari menyokong dan bersetongkol dgn Fuckaton haramjadah, jauhilah dari spesis2 yg ta bermoral, takde maruah, perosak agama, bngsa dan negara. Janganlah merelakan diri dilaknat kerna bersetongkol dgn spesis2 yg bergelumang dalam kancah jubor menjubor, liwat, zina, pelacuran, isteri orang, aiskrim, kauseling jam 3 pagi, dan semua benda2 jijik lagi terkutok Fuckaton haramjadah yg takde maruah da tak bermoral demi agama, bngsa dan negara.

  41. boring betul dengan bos yang konon ahlil music lepas tu pergi pejabat bawak semua alatan music dia dari rumah sebab nak menunjuk dekat staff. motif nak praktis? kejadah dekat pejabat? lepas tu bila orang cakap tak reti buat kerja tau pulak nak kecik ati lepastu mengumpat dengan staff yang mana kaki bodek sebab dia tu bos. ntah apa-apa la dapat boss bengap macam ni. blah la bosan aku tengok muka ko. alah bukan aku tak tau dulu sebelum ko permanent ko buat bodo je dgn staff sebab kau igt ko bole posting dekat tempat lain, tapi last-last bila permanent ko kena posting dkt pejabat yang sama. barulah ko tercari-cari kawan. sebelum ni ko kawan dengan bos2 je kan? aku tak nampak pulak ko lepak lepak dengan staff lain. lepas ko dah boleh blend dengan staff, ko kutuk pulak geng-geng bos sebab tak sehaluan dengan ko? boleh gitu? cantik kan?????

    1. kahkahkah marah btol beliauw nie dkt bows.

  42. obe babi
    obe sial
    obe kimak
    obe freethinker
    obe cibai
    obe launcau
    obe burit
    obe pundek

  43. mintak perhatian
    obe skang ngah bz psg bndera barisan neraka bersempena dgn pru13 yg nk dekat

  44. lanjiao obe! mana update ni!!!!! dah 22 feb 2013 ni!!!


  45. Nak posting baru, asyik2 makanan Tahi ni ha.. bosan siut

  46. Serius Fakta : anon adalah spesies makhluk paling bangang dlm dunia. spesies makhluk yg makan tahi. Dilahirkan akibat dari perbuatan jimak tanpa bacaan doa. Mereka juga telah turun martabat manusia kepada martabat binatang. idup xda tujuan. ari2 keja buka intenet pastu bagi komen bodoh. Kesian. Cuba cari keja yg lbih faedah dpt gak duit.

    Kalo ko brani sgt nk bg komen bodoh sila guna registered id la. jgn jd pengecut melalak mcm anjing berselindung atas nama anon. puii..


    2. tiga ANON bodoh di atas telah mendaftarkan diri sbg Spesies makhluk paling bangang dlm dunia. ANON2 yang suka post komen carut2, anti-islam, anti sumer bende...apa lagi?!?! LAI LAI LAII!!!!

  47. undi pas masuk syurga.


  49. mane obe nye post baru? dh 2 hari aku on empty.kuwa2 tinja ni.

  50. fb: Untuk makluman Terkini, Khabar yang mengatakan Stadium Gong Badak Runtuh kali ke 2 adalah kurang tepat, ini kerana Pihak JKR dan kontraktor yg tebabit sedang dalam proses untuk memotong dan membuang Besi kerangka bumbung yg terdapat pada banggunan stadium sebelah selatan, yang baru dibuang bumbung dalam bulan lepas.. Ini dilakukan bg mengantikan bumbung yg lebih sesuai bg stadium tersebut mengikut keadaan tempat dan cuaca di sini... Diharap pihak yang menyebar khabar angin terutama Pembangkang supaya tidak mempolitikkan dan mengambil kesempatan berkenaan perkara tersebut.

  51. Free will is the ability of agents to make choices unconstrained by certain factors. Factors of historical concern have included metaphysical constraints (for example, logical, nomological, or theological determinism), physical constraints (for example, chains or imprisonment), social constraints (for example, threat of punishment or censure, or structural constraints), and mental constraints (for example, compulsions or phobias, neurological disorders, or genetic predispositions). The principle of free will has religious, legal, ethical, and scientific implications.[1] For example, in the religious realm, free will implies that individual will and choices can coexist with an omnipotent divinity. In the law, it affects considerations of punishment and rehabilitation. In ethics, it may hold implications for whether individuals can be held morally accountable for their actions. In science, neuroscientific findings regarding free will may suggest different ways of predicting human behavior.

  52. Chakra (チャクラ chakura?) is the basic energy source necessary for ninja in Naruto to perform most jutsu. Ninja produce chakra through the combination of their two energies: the physical energy (身体エネルギー shintai enerugī?), drawn from the trillions of cells that make up the human body, and the mental energy (精神エネルギー seishin enerugī?), gained through experience and meditation.[7] Once created, chakra moves throughout the body in a manner similar to the circulatory system and is delivered to one of 361 chakra release points.[8] By performing a sequence composed of any of twelve different hand seals, chakra can then be manipulated to create supernatural effects, such as walking on water.[7

  53. Hashirama Senju (千手柱間, Senju Hashirama) renowned as the God of Shinobi (忍の神, Shinobi no Kami) was a legendary ninja who hailed from the Senju clan that together with the Uchiha clan, established the first shinobi village: Konohagakure. He would later go on to become the village's First Hokage (初代火影, Shodai Hokage; Literally meaning "First or Founding Fire Shadow")

  54. In philosophy, reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.[1] In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. A still more broad definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist.

    Philosophers, mathematicians, and other ancient and modern thinkers, such as Aristotle, Plato, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Russell, have made a distinction between thought corresponding to reality, coherent abstractions (thoughts of things that are imaginable but not real), and that which cannot even be rationally thought. By contrast existence is often restricted solely to that which has physical existence or has a direct basis in it in the way that thoughts do in the brain.

    Reality is often contrasted with what is imaginary, delusional, (only) in the mind, dreams, what is abstract, what is false, or what is fictional. The truth refers to what is real, while falsity refers to what is not. Fictions are considered not real.


    1. Mean burit busuk...obe kote pendek..

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  57. Seorang lelaki gemuk ditemui mati di tepi jalan kerana dibunuh oleh pelbagai jenis anon

  58. What Is Time?

    The concept of time is self-evident. An hour consists of a certain number of minutes, a day of hours and a year of days. But we rarely think about the fundamental nature of time.Time is passing non-stop, and we follow it with clocks and calendars. Yet we cannot study it with a microscope or experiment with it. And it still keeps passing. We just cannot say what exactly happens when time passes.
    Time is represented through change, such as the circular motion of the moon around Earth. The passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space.
    According to the general theory of relativity, space, or the universe, emerged in the Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago. Before that, all matter was packed into an extremely tiny dot. That dot also contained the matter that later came to be the sun, the earth and the moon -- the heavenly bodies that tell us about the passing of time.
    Before the Big Bang, there was no space or time.
    "In the theory of relativity, the concept of time begins with the Big Bang the same way as parallels of latitude begin at the North Pole. You cannot go further north than the North Pole," says Kari Enqvist, Professor of Cosmology.
    One of the most peculiar qualities of time is the fact that it is measured by motion and it also becomes evident through motion.
    According to the general theory of relativity, the development of space may result in the collapse of the universe. All matter would shrink into a tiny dot again, which would end the concept of time as we know it.
    "Latest observations, however, do not support the idea of collapse, rather inter-galactic distances grow at a rapid pace," Enqvist says.

  59. PAS Supporters Who Took BR1M Are Worse Than Cows And Chicken – Nik Aziz

    It is shocking to hear Nik Aziz’s speech as soon as he arrived at Kota Bharu after he performed his umrah in Mecca.

    Ni Aziz’ speech did not promote unity, instead, it sounded like insults, that he came to a point of comparing those who received BR1M with animals.

    Nik Aziz said, in front of his supporters at Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium compound,” Those who offer money to people, is as same as we calling out chicken to come cloesr to us, all we do is just throw the food. If we want to call the cows, we throw in straws.”

    That is how insulting he is towards those who received BR1M even when most of his own supporters received it. Not just that, they even said that it is their rights, as rakyat and the money belongs to rakyat.

    God knows how did they find such excuse. Would any other governments in the world provide BR1M? No, because it is not their responsibility.
    It is part of nature, people need to work to earn money. No one deserve to get anything without doing anything unless they really do not have any power to work due to health reasons for example.

    Government’s responsibility is to administrate, generate income, bring in investments, public facilities, education, preserve national sovereignty and to ensure peace.

    Providing ‘free money’ to rakyat is not part of the government’s responsibility.

    As for rakyat, they need to work to pay for themselves, their family and taxes to the government, so that the government could keep on providing the service they need.

    Coming from concern, BN government do think of those who are in need and decided to help them, through BR1M. Government can simply use the RM3 billion, budgeted for BR1m for other things, but that might not benefit those who really need it.

    Obviously BR1M cannot be implemented if the government cannot afford it. If the government only depend on taxes from those who can afford to pay, obviously they will not be able to provide BR1M to those in need.

    Thus, being able to implement it proves how efficient Barisan Nasional is in generating income as well as managing the country’s finance.

    Sadly, Tok Guru sees BR1M as bait or bribe to gain votes from rakyat, other than insulting those who accepted it. It is even sadder when those who actually took BR1M, are his own supporters.

    That is why, we would like to ask Tok Guru, if those who took BR1M are as same as cows and chicken, what about his supporters who often insult BN by in the end still took BR1M anyway, what are they?

    Think about it.

  60. Mum mum mum mah
    Mum mum mum mah
    Mum mum mum mah
    Mum mum mum mah
    Mum mum mum mah

    I wanna hold em like they do in Texas please
    Fold em let em hit me raise it baby stay with me, I love it
    Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start
    And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart

    Oh, oh, oh
    I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
    Oh, oh, oh
    I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)
    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)

    I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
    A little gambling is fun when you're with me, I love it
    Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
    And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun

    Oh, oh, oh
    I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
    Oh, oh, oh
    I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)
    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    (Mum mum mum mah)

    I won't tell you that I love you
    Kiss or hug you
    Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
    I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning

    Just like a chick in the casino
    Take your bank before I pay you out
    I promise this, promise this
    Check this hand cause I'm marvelous

    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)
    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)
    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)
    Can't read my, can't read my
    No he can't read my poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (She's got to love nobody)

    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)

    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)

    More lyrics:

  61. The Kalām argument was named after the Kalām tradition of Islamic discursive philosophy through which it was first formulated. In Arabic, the word Kalām means "words, discussion, discourse."
    The cosmological argument was first introduced by Aristotle and later refined by Al-Kindi, Al-Ghazali (The Incoherence of the Philosophers), and Ibn Rushd (Averroes).[9] In Western Europe, it was adopted by the Christian theologian Thomas Aquinas. Another form of this argument is based on the concept of a prime-mover, which was also propounded by Averroes. His premise was that every motion must be caused by another motion, and the earlier motion must in turn be a result of another motion and so on. He argued that there must be an initial prime-mover, a mover that could cause motion without any other mover. One of the earliest formations of the Kalām argument comes from Al-Ghazali, who wrote, "Every being which begins has a cause for its beginning; now the world is a being which begins; therefore, it possesses a cause for its beginning."[1]

    Al-Kindi, attempted to argue for the existence of God based upon purely empirical premises
    Two kinds of Islamic perspectives may be considered with regard to the cosmological argument. A positive Aristotelian response strongly supporting the argument and a negative response which is quite critical of it. Among the Aristotelian thinkers are Al-Kindi, and Averroes. In contrast Al-Ghazali and Muhammad Iqbal[10] may be seen as being in opposition to this sort of an argument.
    Al-Kindi is one of the many major and first Islamic philosophers who attempt to introduce an argument for the existence of God based upon purely empirical premises. In fact, his chief contribution is the cosmological argument (dalil al-huduth) for the existence of God, in his On First Philosophy.[11]
    Al-Ghazzali was unconvinced by the first-cause arguments of Kindi. In response to them he writes: "According to the hypothesis under consideration, it has been established that all the beings in the world have a cause. Now, let the cause itself have a cause, and the cause of the cause have yet another cause, and so on ad infinitum. It does not behove you to say that an infinite regress of causes is impossible."[12]
    Al-Kindi's argument has been taken up by some contemporary Western philosophers and dubbed the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Among its chief proponents today is William Lane Craig.[13]
    The Kalām argument is applied by the spiritist doctrine as the main argument for the existence of God.

  62. I kept believing only what was in front of my two eyes
    Right turns into wrong and vice versa so no one really knows anything
    Keep breathing, you can't turn back time
    Because fate is starting to move in my hand

    (Through the future...)

    Let's cross the sea of time and collect these tears that shine
    This endless darkness, and repeated repentances
    Are the realities that will create the future
    We keep on swaying with the faint light that hits us
    I know we'll meet again in the place
    Where dreams will be someday shared

    (We are going on a voyage to the truth...
    The light shines on the earth...
    what are you thinking so deeply about in, the face of fact)

    It's like carrying neverending blade; people limits are always
    Broken, even if their pain has been long forgotten
    Your strength is your kindness; time passes by like a wave
    Because fate is starting to move in your hand

    (Through the fate...)

    A flow of hot tears is now stinging my heart like thorns
    Wishes that aren't mean to be granted, and relentless repentances
    Are the truths that will create the present
    Watch the pitch blackness, and see that what will surface from it
    Are the people I don't want to lose, the people I want to reach one day
    Because they are the only things I know that really exist

    (Well, the scar on the mind remains forever...
    I was staring into the darkness...
    We're going on a voyage to the truth, the light shines on the Earth,
    what are you thinking so deeply about in, The face of fact)

    Let's cross the sea of time and collect these tears that shine
    This endless darkness, and repeated repentances
    Are the realities that will create the future
    We keep on swaying with the faint light that hits us
    I know we'll meet again in the place
    Where dreams will be someday shared

  63. Boring2 lyn <a href=">blog yang siot pown ok jgk hahah</a>

  64. awat x dak post baru obe??? buat penat je aku singgah sini.
    dah 3 hari kot...len kali buat la auto schedule post.
    satu hari satu post ke. baru syok...

  65. I gazed at its depth, the silent sky
    So full of tears it even flatters itself at times
    As I searched amidst the pain I am enduring
    Of the lost dream that was engulfed in smoke

    (Thinking of) the promise of our second encounter, totally engraved in me
    I closed my eyes

    Not my words, nor my memories, but it's these hands that still remember
    My burning wet cheeks are telling me
    So I shall let my vessel be laminated with
    All these feelings that scatter around in this space
    And set off towards the future of Silver Light
    Still unknowing of the truth

    As if praying to the heavens that arise in pure white
    I raised my shaky fingers
    And cried in the moonlight at dawn
    To the manner in which you were gone, yet again

    A place so near and yet so far
    Reaching it would take a journey that goes beyond the planets

    Not by praying, nor leaving to fate, but through all my experiences
    I swear to myself that I will take back all the bonds that I've lost
    Now I stand on the winding road that I cleared from the melted darkness
    And display the Lamentation of the Cross
    Still unforgiven of my sins

    Not my words, nor my memories, but it's these hands that still remember
    My burning wet cheeks are telling me
    So I shall let my vessel be surrounded by
    All these feelings that scatter around in this space
    And become the Stardust of Jihad
    Still unceasing is my light

  66. The dream that would come true someday
    Only becomes a faint, unheard mutter
    Wandering while inside the light of the night
    Soon those eyes will open it's fate
    At least, yes, only now...

    Feeling down after it didn't happen, I hang my head inside the night wind
    Tears Moonlight Overflowing from my palm
    What do you want?
    My lips uttered in the darkness

    That smiling face which pierced my heart when we met
    I want to protect it within the agonizing, crushing pain
    I had embraced our fleeting promise

    Just to be close to you
    Just to be with you at the same time
    Returning distant memories, although sorrowful, they are making me warm
    Within the ever revolving thoughts
    Will our peaceful end come?
    The repeated question dances in the heavens
    And changes into the light of dawn's sky

    Everything is an illusion, they're gone as soon as they appear
    My fingers that dispose my evil thoughts are entangled with a colourless chain
    Which loneliness braided as much as I struggle

    My heels are like cutting through the wind
    It's too cold now "It's because you're here"
    But I can't let go of the other words that has fallen into darkness

    Just taking a breath
    Just to feel the same pain
    Little by little, happiness gathers into love
    Is what I finally realised
    Because in the eyes that rests on my frozen shoulders
    I have found the one I want to protect
    At the next dawn the fragments rusted with regret which I've recieved
    Shall turn into light

    Just to touch each other, just to have thought of that happiness
    Welling up inside
    Even if we parted for a moment, becoming a bond that will never vanish

    Just to be close to you
    Just to be with you at the same time
    Returning distant memories, although sorrowful, they are making me warm
    If the guidance within these etched symbols
    Ever fails again
    The moment we meet again shall bypass the memories of a thousand years
    And change into light

  67. I must be dreaming tonight.
    We erase it from our memories
    You can’t escape
    I only know this secret with you

    How can I protect you forever?
    Close your eyes
    I’ll be anything for you
    I can’t live this life
    Without you by my side…
    “I’ll believe…”

    Right now the real world is black out, it’s black out
    The entire world simultaneously Shouts Down
    Within the hellfire of the alert that won’t stop resonating
    look at the color of fire, it’s the deepest black
    To the point of stealing away everything it lit up

    I can’t live life
    Without you by my side…
    “I’ll believe…” Even loneliness and fate Yeah, yeah
    are the scorching-hot fragments of the record
    They are the brightness that reflects the present Can you see your light
    If the brilliance that illuminated you
    also exists inside of my memories I’m sure that we can go
    I’ll go prove everything
    for my reason to exist

    Inside of Kaos I say
    Where can I get the real love and fate, right now?
    How can I make you know my heart is with you hey?
    I don’t care that my feelings can’t reach you; even if my body dies and vanishes, I’ll still go

    All humans will forget
    their scars of injury
    Every time they watch time flowing away
    Their emotions fade

    But I don’t want neglect it anymore
    Back and forth, I won’t stop shouting in my heart (time over)
    Because an afterimage will vanish, and you are it
    So now that you & I

    I can’t live life
    Without you by my side…
    “I’ll believe…” Even loneliness and fate Yeah, yeah
    are the scorching-hot fragments of the record
    They are the brightness that reflects the present Can you see your light
    If the brilliance that illuminated you
    also exists inside of my memories I’m sure that we can go
    I’ll go prove everything
    for my reason to exist

    Hey hey, because if I’m fated to be unable to oppose the feed before my eyes
    I still want to volunteer myself and fight by my hands
    I believe that you will see what I’m doing is never wrong for us
    That’s right, I won’t fear anything anymore, “I’ll believe”

    By the fact of “remembering”
    I’ll learn how to live
    My feelings are so impossible to be rewarded
    that it’s enough to slash apart the eternal darkness

    So I’d like you to keep just one thing in mind
    Back and forth, I won’t stop shouting in my heart (time ever)
    That even the scabs of tears are lovely afterimages
    So now that you & I

    I can’t live life
    Without you by my side…
    “I’ll believe…” The determination carved into your heart Yeah, yeah
    Go find it again and again
    within the hellfire of war Refrain again
    Even if the world is covered by emptiness
    Notice the definite flame Telling me what I got now
    dwelling inside of your memories
    that your reason to exist is “here” Bre-bre-bre-break down

    Now it’s a show time, the night is so deep
    The silence in the very middle of the thundering
    Get ready to the next stage, the clock will turn all of today
    into zero again, but my feelings will always be in my heart
    Embracing your scent as you distance yourself and it’s only growing worse

    And just nobody, this surging in me is a chunk of my soul
    I don’t care that you won’t hear me
    I can believe that all of my love has reached you alone
    and your heart, your hands, your dreams forever

    So I’d like you to keep just one thing in mind
    Back and forth, I won’t stop shouting in my heart (time forever)
    That I’ll never leave you, who I love, alone again
    So now that you & I

    I can’t live life
    Without you by my side…
    “I’ll believe…” Even loneliness and fate Yeah, yeah
    are the scorching-hot fragments of the record
    They are the brightness that reflects the future Can you see your light
    Because the brilliance that illuminated you
    also exists inside of my memories I’m sure that we can go
    I’ll go prove everything
    for my reason to exist now I’ll carve out my own today with my whole body and soul
    for the future where we’ll coexist, “I’ll believe…” Yeah “I’ll believe”

  68. China BBQ ban plans stoke up anger
    Published: 21 Feb 2013 at 18.43Online news: Asia

    China web-users were furious Thursday over plans to tackle pollution with a ban on barbecues, wryly asking if Beijing would stamp out fried food and normal bodily functions in its war on smog.

    Street food vendors barbecue meat in Leshan, in China's southwestern Sichuan province, November 25, 2007. China web-users are furious over plans to tackle pollution with a ban on barbecues, wryly asking if Beijing would stamp out fried food and normal bodily functions in its war on smog.

    While many residents have grown tired of donning face-masks or having to stay indoors during prolonged bouts of heavy smog, China's food-loving public say forcing fire-grilled food off the streets is a step too far.

    "This is hilarious. What are they going to consider next? Banning fried food?" said one user on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.

    "What proportion of pollution comes from barbeques?" said another. "I wonder when the government will start banning breaking wind."

    The controversial measure is being explored as Beijing aims to confront the heavy pollution which has choked large swathes of the country in recent weeks.

    State media said Wednesday that the country's environmental watchdog had issued draft guidelines advising major cities to adopt legislation banning "barbecue-related activities".

    Much of China's pollution has been blamed on emissions from coal-burning and exhaust fumes from vehicles.

    Barbequed food is a favourite dish in China, particularly lamb skewers, a speciality of the north-western region of Xinjiang.

  69. setelah tiga hari menunggu..saya memutuskan utk tidak lagi menjadi pembaca setia blogserius..saya akan beralih kepada blog2 yang lain..salam

  70. What we call a 'particle' or a 'wave' is actually only our interpretation of the observations we make on an object. The object itself is something that can appear to have the properties of either. The closest analogy to an object in mathematics is a tensor field. Depending on which operators are applied to the tensor various properties of the tensor can be 'extracted' according to interactions with other 'objects.' These may be particle properties or wave properties, depending on the operator applied (mass, charge, frequency, wavelength, etc.) If two different operators commute, then the properties each represents can be independently determined. As is often the case, if the operators do not commute, the properties cannot be determined independently - à la Heisenberg's Unbestimmtheit.

  71. Fsutil: dirty
    Queries to see whether a volume's dirty bit is set. Sets a volume's dirty bit. When a volume's dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted.
    fsutil dirty {query|set} PathName
    Top of page
    query : Queries the dirty bit.
    set : Sets a volume's dirty bit.
    PathName : Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name.
    Top of page

    If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.
    Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the volume.
    Top of page
    To query the dirty bit on drive C, type:
    fsutil dirty query C:
    Sample output:
    Volume C: is dirty
    Volume C: is not dirty
    To set the dirty bit on drive C, type:
    fsutil dirty set C:
    Fsutil: behavior
    Fsutil: file
    Fsutil: fsinfo
    Fsutil: hardlink
    Fsutil: objectid
    Fsutil: quota
    Fsutil: reparsepoint
    Fsutil: sparse
    Fsutil: usn
    Fsutil: volume
    Command-line reference A-Z

  72. agaknya miss mean mengerang tak masa obe lick pussy dia. teringin sangat nak tengok dia mengerang. fap fap fap fap

    1. Your mother is a nice person

  73. LAHAD DATU: With a series of vague deadlines set by Malaysian security forces having passed, a wait-and-see approach has been adopted as an armed Sulu group remained entrenched in a village here.

    Talk of Malaysian security forces being ready to launch a strike to retake Kg Tanduo fizzled out after the latest deadline to for the armed group to leave Sabah passed.

    Manila, meanwhile, has enforced a blockade off Tawi Tawi in the Southern Philippines with the deployment of six naval ships to prevent an escalation of the situation in the region by those hoping to benefit from the standoff.

    Relatives of the “Sulu Sultan” have insisted that the armed group will remain in Kg Tanduo and will consult their followers soon on the next move.

    While the public are by and large calm, questions about the “invasion” are the hot topic here. Police roadblocks and the cordon around the village is into its third week without any independent confirmation of a foreign force in the village.

    Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is on a two-day visit to Sabah and Labuan, said that the incident could turn out to be a positive thing for BN in the coming elections if the government could consequently bringing about the best solution to the problem.

    “The government is doing everything possible to work out a peaceful solution to a “sensitive” problem. They are seeing how well we can manage any situation,” he said after meeting Sabah Barisan Nasional leaders.

    Disagreeing with critics that the situation had been badly handled he said: “We are thankful this matter is being handled carefully and wisely by our authorities.”

    While critics have had a field day lambasting the government, the deputy prime minister insisted that the security situation in Sabah should not be compromised in any way.

    He said what was crucial was for the standoff to be resolved, if possible, without any bloodshed as stated by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein and the Inspector General of Police.

    “We would like to resolve it without any negative impact to the state or the nation,” he added.

    The remote seaside Kampung Tanduo at Felda Sahabat 17 where some 150 gunmen led by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram have been holding up since Feb 9 remains cordoned off.

  74. obe nak test korang setia atau x



      apa apaje lah.....janji aku dah buang blogserius dari bookmark aku. Dah sampai berhari-hari takder update. RIP Obe.


    1. bodoh..yang sebetulnya Colo Terrorista

  77. While Nina Sharp recovers from the gunshot sustained in the previous episode, the Fringe team's investigation reveals that the man in white bandages is David Robert Jones. Olivia Dunham and Phillip Broyles discuss locating William Bell for questioning, whom they believe is behind all the fringe events that have been occurring all season.
    Meanwhile, Walter Bishop is at a graveyard, where he solemnly stares at an unknown gravestone. Olivia, Peter Bishop, and Astrid Farnsworth begin searching for Walter. Nina tells Olivia that an energy cell was stolen from her mechanical arm by Jones, and that he was formerly a Massive Dynamic employee who had looked up to Bell as a "father figure" until they had a falling out. When Olivia demands to speak to Bell, Nina explains that she does not know where he is, as Bell has been communicating these past few months "strictly electronically". Nina believes Jones is trying to confront Bell, and promises Olivia that if she stops Jones, Nina will arrange a meeting between her and Bell.

    On a busy New York City street, Jones and his team use the energy cell to open a doorway into the Alternate Universe and bring a truck through, but are apparently unsuccessful, as Jones complains he used the "wrong coordinates". Having previously observed Walter at the graveyard, The Observer arrives with Walter at the Bishops' beach house, and gives Walter a coin, telling him to remember what he has to find. Walter goes on alone into the house, while Olivia and Charlie interview witnesses who saw Jones extract the truck from the doorway. They discover that the truck's VIN numbers do not exist, which implies the "truck was never made". A further interview with Nina reveals to the Fringe team that the truck is from another universe, and that Jones is using the stolen energy cell to travel to that universe.

    Peter finds Walter and chooses to meet his father alone, as he believes Walter is upset from the past several days. Now at the beach house, Peter and Walter search for and retrieve a device that can seal shut the doorway into the other universe. Walter explains to Peter that he once lost something very dear to him and that he had to go and bring it back from another reality; the device was created to prevent something from following him.

    After Jones makes another unsuccessful attempt to open a doorway at a soccer field in Providence, Olivia searches through old case files related to science and unexplained phenomena, and discovers the connection between the soccer field and the city street. Olivia and Walter come to the same conclusion, that Jones is going to use a site at Reiden Lake to reopen the doorway. Olivia, Peter, and Walter intercept Jones while he is opening another window and is halfway through it. Peter triggers Walter's device, killing Jones by sealing the doorway.

    At the end of the episode, Walter again goes alone to visit the graveyard; he tearfully observes a gravestone marked "Peter Bishop 1978-1985", suggesting that Walter's legitimate son died. Nina Sharp later calls Olivia and implies to her that she can meet William Bell in Manhattan. After no one shows up at the agreed-upon restaurant, Olivia leaves, as she assumes that she got stood up. However, when in an elevator to leave the building, Olivia is transported to the parallel universe and is directed to an office. After reading a newspaper headline indicating that President Obama was preparing to move into the "new" White House, she is greeted by William Bell and inquires where she is. The final shot pans out the window revealing that they are standing inside the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

  78. The double-slit experiment, sometimes called Young's experiment (after Young's interference experiment), is a demonstration that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles, and demonstrates the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena.
    In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source such as a laser beam illuminates a thin plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen — a result that would not be expected if light consisted strictly of particles. However, on the screen, the light is always found to be absorbed as though it were composed of discrete particles or photons.[1][2]
    This result establishes the principle known as wave–particle duality. Additionally, the detection of individual photons is observed to be inherently probabilistic, which is inexplicable using classical mechanics.

  79. The word hussar derives from the Serbian Gusar and later Hungarian Huszár. Exiled Serbian warriors introduced hussar horsemen – light cavalry armed with hollowed lance, Balkan-type shield, and saber – in Hungary following the Ottoman conquest of Serbia in the late 15th century.[2]
    The Hussars of Poland originated in the late 15th century of Serbian warriors that had left Ottoman Serbia, beginning in the 14th century.[1]
    The Hungarian Kingdom hussar banners (units) were organized into a strong, highly-trained and motivated formation during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary. Under his command the various hussar banners took part in the wars against the House of Habsburg, Bohemia, Poland and the Ottoman Empire (in 1485) and proved successful against the Turkish cavalry as well as Bohemians, Germans, Austrians, and Poles. In the Kingdom of Hungary various peoples (Serbs, Croats, Wallachians, Hungarians) made changes to the hussar armament and thus introduced armor in terms of helmets, mail, gorgets making hussars much heavier cavalry than when they first started around 1500. It was the combination of 'Hungarian' influence and changes within the Polish cavalry (obrona potoczna) serving in present day Ukrainian provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that led to the development of armor-clad hussars by the early 1560s. Hungarian prince, Polish King and Lithuanian Grand Duke Stephen Bathory reorganized first, the Polish cavalry banners (containing both hussars and other cavalry types) and later the Grand Duchy of Lithuania cavalry banners, thus created the typical Commonwealth hussar banners, starting in 1574. Kingdom of Hungary – lance-armed and clad-in-armor hussar companies existed first in the Hungarian armies (and her vassal states of Wallachian, Moldavian princes) later in the Habsburg armies until early 17th century. The Hungarian, Wallachian and Moldavian hussars gradually abandoned armor and heavy lances during the course of wars and pillages of the later 17th century, reinventing themselves as the scrimmage, reconnaissance and pillage horsemen becoming in fact the light cavalry, in type similar to Croats in Habsburg service. Later in the 18th century, when the Rákóczy's uprising failed in Hungary, many noble hussars with their retainers fled to other Central and Western European countries and became the core of similar light cavalry formations created there, for instance, the 1st French Hussar Regiment created and trained by count Miklós Bercsényi. Also Prussian army during the wars of Frederick the Great started using Hungarian-type hussar regiments extensively, starting with the War of the Austrian Succession.

  80. Somebody call 911!
    Shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa
    (Fire burning, fire burning)
    What a gwaan!
    Kingston, let's go, hey!
    RedOne, hey, hey

    Shawty got that super thing
    Hotter than the sun in the south in Spain
    Got me soon as I walked through the door

    My pocket started tickling
    The way she drop it low, that thang
    Got me wan' spend my money on her, her

    She get it, pop it, lock it, drop it, that birthday cake
    Got a candle, need to blow that crazy flame away
    Now take my red, black card and my jewelry
    Shawty is cool like the fire, cool like fire

    Somebody call 911!
    Shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa
    I gotta cool her down
    She wan' bring the roof to ground
    On the dance floor, whoa

    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor
    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor
    (Fire burning, fire burning)

    That body is a masterpiece
    The order is one in every hundred years
    But ain't no doubt I'm taking it home, home

    Little mama game is about to change
    She'll be on covers over the world

    She get it, pop it, lock it, drop it, that birthday cake
    Got a candle, need to blow that crazy flame away
    Now take my red, black card and my jewelry
    Shawty is cool like the fire, cool like fire

    Somebody call 911!
    Shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa
    I gotta cool her down
    She wan' bring the roof to ground
    On the dance floor, whoa

    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor
    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor

    She got that fire in the dance
    That'll make them fellas run around, hey!
    No exit from the dance floor
    So them boys wan' more, hey!

    She got that fire in the dance
    That'll make them fellas run around
    (Madem, get out my way, everybody, sing it now, hey!)
    No exit from the dance floor
    So them boys wan' more
    (What a gwaan? Let's go! Madem, let's go, hey!)

    She get it, pop it, lock it, drop it, that birthday cake
    Got a candle, need to blow that crazy flame away
    Now take my red, black card and my jewelry
    Shawty is cool like the fire, cool like fire

    Somebody call 911!
    Shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa
    I gotta cool her down
    She wan' bring the roof to ground
    On the dance floor, whoa

    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor
    She's fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
    That little shawty's fire burning on the dance floor

    Somebody call 911!

  81. PETALING JAYA: Ditch your jeans and skirts and don the sarong while taking the train this Saturday.

    Now into its second year, Keretapi Sarong is an event modelled after the No Pants Subway movement, when 1,200 New Yorkers rode the subway without wearing pants in a snowstorm in 2009.

    Random Alphabets (RA), the organiser of the event, wants everyone to board trains in their sarong at 3pm.

    “Last year's event saw a kebaya group and this year we want to see more different styles.

    “Wear your sarong with a white shirt, a football jersey, or even a cosplay outfit.

    “Come as a sarong-clad Jedi or a sarong ninja,” said Zain HD from RA.

    This year's event is set to go beyond Malaysia as at least five cities have initiated local chapters of Keretapi Sarong.

    “So far, we have been receiving updates of planned chapters from London, Melbourne, Washington DC, Boston and Philadelphia,” said RA volunteer Suzi Zahari.

    The meeting point and the route of the gathering will be revealed closer to the event day.

    During the event, participants are also encouraged to tell their “sarong stories” on a paper and hold it up.

    Photographs of the stories will be posted on and RA's Facebook page.

    RA's first project, the KL Freeze in Unison at Lot 10 and Pavilion in April 2008, attracted over 1,000 participants.

    Since then, RA has put together projects such as the KL Chapter World Pillow Fight Day and the Glee Flashmob Dance.

    Go to or the Facebook event page “Keretapi Sarong (No Pants Subway) 2013 Kuala Lumpur” for information.

  82. Ditakdirkan Allah penulis dijemput hadir ke majlis wacana perpaduan ummah anjuran DBP pada 19 Februari 2013 dengan acara kemuncaknya ialah titah Diraja DYMM Dr.Raja Nazrin.

    Apa yang ingin sangat penulis kongsikan maklumat kepada masyarakat di Malaysia ialah mengenai inti titah Diraja DYMM Raja Dr. Nazrin yang jujur dan berpandangan jauh dalam isu perpaduan ummah yang membabitkan UMNO dan PAS sebagai dua kuasa politik Melayu di negara ini.

    Antara mesej titah baginda ialah;

    i) PAS kini bukan lagi parti tok lebai dan guru pondok tapi parti yang dipimpin dan dianggotai oleh golongan ulamak, professional, teknokrat dan pelbagai kategori masyarakat yang kini berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah dengan UMNO.

    ii) Kehebatan PAS yang tidak ada pada UMNO ialah ketinggian peribadi pimpinan dan ahli-ahli PAS yang membudayakan hidup dengan masjid dan surau serta tazkirah dan syarahan agama dan tidak berpoya-poya.

    iii) Kekuatan PAS sebagai wadah kepimpinan ummah kini setanding dengan UMNO dari segi kemampuan mentadbir Negara dan kedua-dua parti politik ini sama-sama mempunyai peluang menjadi juara ummah di Malaysia.

    iv) Pendekatan kerjasama PAS dengan non muslim merupakan kemantangan pimpinan PAS dan merupakan strategi ampuh PAS dalam menyaingi UMNO khususnya dalam PRU 13.

    v) Dalam menghadapi PRU 13 PAS dilihat lebih selesa kerana berada pada posisi offensive berbanding UMNO yang terpaksa defensive kerana dilingkari pelbagai isu kepimpinan, kronisme rasuah dan penyelewengan.

    vi) UMNO dititahkan sebagai kurang berintegriti dalam menerajui pentadbiran negara kerana berlaku salah urus tadbir, kronisme,penyelewegan dan rasuah.

    vii) UMNO dititah sebagai parti yang salah mendidik golongan muda yang kini diajar dan diasuh dengan budaya politik samseng yang mencemar demokrasi, menghakis keyakinan massa dan menjejaskan perpaduan di Negara ini.

    viii) UMNO diititah telah melanggar dan membelakangi semangat perlembagaan persekutuan kerana menafikan prinsip dan tuntutan federalism atas negeri-negeri yang diperintah oleh pembangkang, walhal negeri-negeri tersebut di pilih oleh rakyat melalui demokrasi yang sah.

    Berdasarkan mesej titah DYMM Raja Dr. Nazrin yang lahir dari kesucian hati baginda seperti senarai di atas, penulis mentafsirkan bahawa baginda DYMM Raja Dr.Nazrin menaruh keyakinan akan kemampuan PAS sebagai parti yang berpedomankan agama dalam mengurus Negara, memelihara dan memartabatkan ummah.

    Justeru, maka kerapkali dalam titah baginda disebut PAS sebagai parti islam.

    Selain itu, penulis mentafsirkan bahawa sikap dan pendirian PAS yang konsisten menolak kerjasama dengan UMNO serta membentuk wadah baru bersama PKR dan DAP adalah tindakan bijak, berpandangan jauh dan berada di atas landasan yang betul khususnya dalam menghadapi PRU 13.

    Imam Ibnu Athaillah memulakan Kalam Hikmat beliau dengan mengajak kita merenung kepada hakikat amal. Amal boleh dibahagikan kepada dua jenis iaitu perbuatan zahir dan perbuatan hati atau suasana hati berhubung dengan perbuatan zahir itu. Beberapa orang boleh melakukan perbuatan zahir yang serupa tetapi suasana hati berhubung dengan perbuatan zahir itu tidak serupa. Kesan amalan zahir kepada hati berbeza antara seorang dengan seorang yang lain. Jika amalan zahir itu mempengaruhi suasana hati, maka hati itu dikatakan bersandar kepada amalan zahir. Jika hati dipengaruhi juga oleh amalan hati, maka hati itu dikatakan bersandar juga kepada amal, sekalipun ianya amalan batin. Hati yang bebas daripada bersandar kepada amal sama ada amal zahir atau amal batin adalah hati yang menghadap kepada Allah s.w.t dan meletakkan pergantungan kepada-Nya tanpa membawa sebarang amal, zahir atau batin, serta menyerah sepenuhnya kepada Allah s.w.t tanpa sebarang takwil atau tuntutan. Hati yang demikian tidak menjadikan amalnya, zahir dan batin, walau berapa banyak sekalipun, sebagai alat untuk tawar menawar dengan Tuhan bagi mendapatkan sesuatu. Amalan tidak menjadi perantaraan di antaranya dengan Tuhannya. Orang yang seperti ini tidak membataskan kekuasaan dan kemurahan Tuhan untuk tunduk kepada perbuatan manusia. Allah s.w.t Yang Maha Berdiri Dengan Sendiri berbuat sesuatu menurut kehendak-Nya tanpa dipengaruhi oleh sesiapa dan sesuatu. Apa sahaja yang mengenai Allah s.w.t adalah mutlak, tiada had, sempadan dan perbatasan. Oleh kerana itu orang arif tidak menjadikan amalan sebagai sempadan yang mengongkong ketuhanan Allah s.w.t atau ‘memaksa’ Allah s.w.t berbuat sesuatu menurut perbuatan makhluk. Perbuatan Allah s.w.t berada di hadapan dan perbuatan makhluk di belakang. Tidak pernah terjadi Allah s.w.t mengikuti perkataan dan perbuatan seseorang atau sesuatu.Sebelum menjadi seorang yang arif, hati manusia memang berhubung rapat dengan amalan dirinya, baik yang zahir mahu pun yang batin. Manusia yang kuat bersandar kepada amalan zahir adalah mereka yang mencari faedah keduniaan dan mereka yang kuat bersandar kepada amalan batin adalah yang mencari faedah akhirat. Kedua-dua jenis manusia tersebut berkepercayaan bahawa amalannya menentukan apa yang mereka akan perolehi baik di dunia dan juga di akhirat. Kepercayaan yang demikian kadang-kadang membuat manusia hilang atau kurang pergantungan dengan Tuhan. Pergantungan mereka hanyalah kepada amalan semata-mata ataupun jika mereka bergantung kepada Allah s.w.t, pergantungan itu bercampur dengan keraguan. Seseorang manusia boleh memeriksa diri sendiri apakah kuat atau lemah pergantungannya kepada Allah s.w.t. Kalam Hikmat 1 yang dikeluarkan oleh Ibnu Athaillah memberi petunjuk mengenainya. Lihatlah kepada hati apabila kita terperosok ke dalam perbuatan maksiat atau dosa. Jika kesalahan yang demikian membuat kita berputus asa daripada rahmat dan pertolongan Allah s.w.t itu tandanya pergantungan kita kepada-Nya sangat lemah.

  84. A Stargate is a portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. The devices first appear in the 1994 Roland Emmerich film Stargate, and thereafter in the television series Stargate SG-1 and related direct-to-DVD movies, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. In these productions the Stargate functions as a plot generator, allowing the main characters to visit alien planets without the need for spaceships or any other type of technology. As space and time are relative, a person traveling through the Stargate may feel as though he or she is traveling for long periods of time while persons outside the Stargate would see instant travel. In one of the earlier episodes, Col. Jack O'Neill made a comment about it feeling like it took forever to travel through the wormhole. This sensation of lasting forever was later removed from the show.
    Within the Stargate fictional universe, Stargates are large rings composed of a fictional superconductive mineral called "naqahdah".[1] Each Stargate has nine points (chevrons) spaced equally around its circumference which are used to determine the address being dialed. On the inner ring is a set of unique glyphs; on Milky Way and Pegasus gates, all but one of these represent star constellations, with the remaining symbol representing the planet or point of origin, while the meaning of the glyphs on Destiny-style gates is unknown. The number of glyphs is dependant on the network in which the gate belongs; Milky Way gates feature 39 glyphs, while Pegasus and Destiny gates have 36. Six of these symbols plus the point of origin serve to map out a specific location in space to which one can dial.[1][2] Additional glyphs may also be selected which increase the distance of travel, allowing gates outside the current galaxy to be reached, a process that requires significantly more energy than interstellar dialing. Pairs of Stargates function by generating an artificial stable wormhole between them, allowing one-way travel through. A typical Stargate measures 4.6 m (15 ft) in diameter and weighs 29 metric tonnes (64,000 lb).[3] The Stargates were created millions of years ago by an alien civilization known as the Ancients;[4] their modern history begins when Egyptologist Daniel Jackson deciphers their workings in the Stargate film.

  85. A Look at Things That Don't Exist
    One cause of why we accept the concept of non-existence is that it makes sense to say unicorns or dragons don't exist. Magic carpets don't exist. At least here on this planet at this time in history we can deny the direct existence of such things. At least most of us do. We could be wrong. They might be just very rare. But there are certainly contradictory concepts which don't exist or don't make any sense. Square circles don't exist. Fake colors don't exist. Silent noises don't exist. And if there is nothing in the refrigerator, we can say, the milk doesn't exist in the refrigerator. But what we are really saying is that the milk isn't in this location at this point in time, and this kind of statement can be said for just about anything and everything in the universe. There is no molten lava, or sea turtles, or alien monsters in the refrigerator either. However, the absence of the infinity of things that might exist in the space inside the refrigerator doesn't create a black hole of non-existence. We know there is a basic principle considering time and space, that things exist in locations relative to one another. Take away the separate locations in time and everything exists in the same space. As the physicist John Wheeler said, time is what keeps everything from happening all at once.

    When we say dragons and unicorns don't exist we are only really saying first that we don't see them, and second that magical things which disobey the laws of physics don't exist. The first statement is obviously just an issue of time and place, since certain dinosaurs resemble dragons well enough to say they once existed, and there is undoubtedly horse-like creatures with single horns living at some place and time somewhere in the universe. Whether or not there are magical unicorns and dragons is quite another issue. Assuming for the sake of argument that magical creatures are purely myth and don't physically exist anywhere in the whole Universe, what have we established? Actually we only are saying that matter and forces of nature are not ever fashioned in a way that makes dragons and unicorns a real physical part of a space-time universe, which certainly doesn't make something non-existent.

    Actually when we claim something like unicorns are non-existent we are reversing our usual confusion, by adding qualities of the real nothing into a state of non-existence. In the absence of magical unicorns the universe still exists, so all that we are really saying about unicorns is that imaginary things don't have form like we have form. Square circles don't have form either, because there are rules given to us by form that establish what is meaningful. And things that don't have meaning don't exist.



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