What the what?
Ini ialah gambar dari pertandingan Ratu Cantik Lembu ataupun Miss Cow di Provinsi Shanxi, China. Lembu yang menyertai pertandingan ini dihakimi dari segi rupa dan kualiti susu yang dihasilkan. Pertandingan ratu cantik ini diadakan bagi mempromosikan industri lembu susuan provinsi ini yang terkenal dengan keenakan susunya.

Laporan asal ChinaBuzz
ReplyDelete"hahaha" saya tertawa lagi..apakah kaitan diantara lembu dan juga wanita berbikini?Oh!saya sudah tahu!wanita tersebut adalah seperti lembu.."hahaha" lantas saya tertawa berdekah-dekah..
DeleteAnwar Berahim minat sangat dengan model-model di atas... Hahaha lantas saya tertawa TERBAHAK-BAHAK sampai terkeluar KAHAK!!!!
DeleteAku cuma nampak tetek ratu cantik, mana tetek lembunya?
DeletePemenang dikehendaki main kote lembu sampai pancut. he he
Deletebodoh. lembu tu mana ada kote. bangang!
Deletelembu dan perempuan ada persamaan. dua2 boleh keluar susu. dua2 cina
Deletehahaha..anon kt bwh bodoh
ReplyDeletenasib baik aku bukan anon...
Deletebtw kenapa ratu2 cantik berbikini tu nak kena perah susu lembu? apa motipnya?
bagi ko minum sampai puas noob bangang
Deletesusu yang mana 1 sedap?
ReplyDeletesusu nenek ko masa muda2
Deletesusu gooddays adalah susu kegemaran saya..benar, saya tidak berbohong.."hehehe" saya tertawa kecil..
Deletesusu bini ko
DeleteAnon2 semua bangang kecuali aku.
ReplyDeletemak ngn bapak ko bangang tahap anjeng monggolia
DeleteBetul 'aku' sokong.
Deleteyg pakai bra pink tu lembunya?
ReplyDeleteapsal tetek kat sini seme besar2 kat umah aku kecik je?
ReplyDeleteadakah Anonymous 10:13 selalu melihat payudara adik beradik, ibubapa dan saudara-mara?ee!sungguh jijik perangai saudara/saudari..
Deletenak mati?
ReplyDeleteobey, agak2 klu ko mati nnti ade x org boleh delete gmbar camni so that it would stop daripd dosa ko terus discatat oleh perkiraan malaikat smpai ke akhirat... klu ko dh berpesan kat spa2, bravo la... fire in the hole meh...
ReplyDeleteko nak sibuk pasal plak??? obe dh awal2 reserve room kat jahannam., kan obe kan...
DeleteTetek kan semua orang suka...lemak berkrim disukai ramai. lainlah kalau orang tu Gay atau dah mati. faham?
Deletemana gambar saya?
ReplyDeleteDato la bangang!!!!!! bukan dauk!!!! Bodoooooo.. Kecik-kecik tak nak mampus..
DeleteAjal maut di tangan Allah, tak siapa yang tau
Deletepost yg mengurangkan pahala di pagi jumaat penghulu segala hari...
ReplyDeleteKat sini LEMBU PUNYA HAL
mana sharizat..?
ReplyDeletePic 8 : Dat Ass!!!
ReplyDeletebanyaknye apam2...
ReplyDeleteini semua dakyah freemason..jgn percaya.. lmbu tu adalah syaitan dan wanita tu adalah lady in red yang akan menyambut dajjal..
ReplyDeletekat China ada Freemason ke? Yang aku tau Free Sex ada lah.
Deletenak biskut?
nak tetek awek ko?
nak tetek cikgu janda?
nak tetek awek Indon?
nak tetek awek Burma?
nak tetek awek China?
Seswai dgn tema datuk seri shahrizat abdul jalil punya issue..Hehehe
Bersatu Kita Bersatu
Dengan Setia Berganding Bahu
Jiwa Teguh Berpadu
Kita Rumpun Melayu
Bersama Kita Bersama
Mendukung Hasrat Semua
Berjasa Pada Bangsa
Agama Dan Negara
Lambang Kita Yang Gagah
Dipandang Mulia Dan Indah
“Bersatu, Bersetia, Berkhidmat”
Cogan Katanya
ANON Terus Mara
Untuk Rakyat Malaysia
sambil lancap lembu sambil minum susu ratu cantik..
ReplyDeleteeh lisa surihani spotted
2008年10月揭晓的《2008胡润百富榜》中,黄光裕以430 亿元财富第三次当
黄光裕出生于1969年5 月。小时候,黄家家境清贫,最困难时,黄光裕曾拾
1986年,17岁的黄光裕( 那时他还叫黄俊烈) 跟着哥哥黄俊钦,揣着在内蒙
古攒下的4000元,然后又连贷带借了3 万元,在北京前门的珠市口东大街420 号
盘下了一个100 平方米的名叫“国美”的门面。在那里,黄氏兄弟先卖服装,后
1987年1 月1 日,“国美电器店”的招牌正式挂出来了。尽管是有货不愁卖,
bodos la owg atas ni...
ReplyDeleteowg owg owg
Deletebiar aku tolong tranlate kan
ReplyDelete1: Huang Guangyu: commercial game of Godfather's capital (1)
Huang Guangyu: Business Godfather capital game
Hurun rich list, true to 2008, only to feel some terror, it seems that we have is a curse
With Huang Guangyu sacked, become recognized as "the butcher standings.
2008 Hurun "announced in October 2008, the third of the wealth of 43 billion yuan, Huang Guangyu when
On Hoogewerf "China's richest man. However, However, two months, came the news Huang Guangyu XingJu.
No matter what the outcome, this cutting-edge entrepreneurs with wisdom and courage in the history of China's enterprises to create a
One another miracle.
The Huang Guangyu appreciate his fellow Li Ka-shing. He has been agreed with Li Ka-shing's business concept:
Operators no domain. Began to meddle in its success in the retail chain operations and real estate development.
His industry, to create the "Eagle," the territory, when he sacked the heady ...
History of Entrepreneurship
Huang Guangyu was born in May 1969. Child, Wong Ka needy, the most difficult, Huang Guangyu has picked up
Too shabby, picking through garbage. Also difficult because his family, his 16-year-old junior high school is not school drop out, followed by 20-year-old
Brother north from his home in Shantou, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, to do business.
In 1986, 17-year-old Huang Guangyu (when he called Huang Junlie) followed Junqin brother, Chuaizhuo in Inner Mongolia
Ancient she saved 4,000 yuan, then even the loan with borrowed 30,000 yuan, in the the Beijing Qianmen Zhushikou East Avenue 420 No.
Disk under the facade of a 100 square meters of the name "GOME". Where the Wong brothers first sold clothing, after
To change to sell imported electrical appliances.
"I was also wondering do food business, but it was the people's consumption level did not reach that far; do
Clothing business, fabric, seasonal stress, I do not quite understand. Appliances is relatively stereotyped, I think
Own more appropriate. Appliances or goods 不愁卖, to see if you can purchase. "Yellow
Yu said the memories of the original entrepreneurial situations.
January 1, 1987, "Gome store signs officially hung out. Although the cargo 不愁卖
The Wong brothers still decided to go to "adhere to the retail, puerile" business strategy, the time that the seller City
Field backdrop, many businesses raise prices to Figure enormous profits "mode of operation.
The Huang Guangyu recalled that, in fact, was "forced" ingredients. Most state-owned commercial institutions because when
Units, one, two wholesale, have their own channels and networks, strength stronger than he, and more opportunities than he.
"As an individual enterprise to find a way to attract customers, must own things Caixing", when he thought
The method is the simplest and most effective - puerile.
The low-cost strategy for small Gome stores has brought a lot of repeat customers. Not only is puerile in supply
On his foot work. "At the time, such as washing machines, color TV ticket supply from non-formal channels
To these goods, we should think about. Sometimes, people have all sorts of products, but no one to buy, I thought
Way from his hand to take over the goods. "In order to find the cheap" commodity ", the country the United States is not and when
When many appliance retailers are the same, the trafficking of contraband goods from the vicinity of Panyu, Guangdong, Huang himself has not
A positive answer, but people have a lot of rumors.
inilah keputusannya
tak leh blah ,guard tu usha bontot pempuan tuh