Alan Sailer mengambil gambar aneh di bawah. Gambar aneh ini diambil menggunakan kamera kelajuan tinggi disaat objek-objek ini diletupkan. Cool stuff

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ak first kew...?
Deletefuki cow!
Deletekenapa nak kena letupkan kamera tu? kan membazir namanya
Deletekenapa nak promote blog? kan bodoh namanya. dah la tak best
Deletekenapa nak hina blog org lain? kan buruk perangai namanya
Deletekenapa nak link kepada blog copy paste bodoh ko tu. itu bangang namanya
Deletedemm fak
ReplyDeletenk nenen?
Deleteonly chinese hava a talent to be creative instead of european..
ReplyDeleteall malay are not creative and lazy people in the world
sohai lim guan eng for malaysian new prime minister..
long live new malaysia
kau mesti Alvin or Vivian kan?
Deletenice try baby only a regular malaysin citizen that already feel sick with all the malay leader that lead our country to nowhere but level of shit.
Deletejust think twicely, dont all of you ever dream to have a good country such a singapore?
only chinese leader like guan eng can make it happen
nenen Vivian tu kecik bodoh..macam tetek bapok kt brickfield
Deletemelayu ni memang buduh
Deletesharing is caring meh:
DeleteAlvin And Vivian First Sex Video – Rape Play
File Size: 47.7 MB - Format: MP4 – Runtime: 6:06 minutes
yep..aku sokong org atas ni
Deletemelayu tak kreatif ke malas ke dah memang asal ini tanah melayu punya. mau cina ka apa ka pegi laen negara laa.
DeletePffft! Lim Guan Eng as PM? Over my dead body.
Delete1st la cibai!
ReplyDeletenk nenen?
DeleteWtf!!!??? Sial la sape letupkan pukichu...
ReplyDeleteaku kurang setuju la dengan obe ni...
ReplyDeletediskusi2 oleh anon mcm xleh blah sume mcm sial
xdpt nk share la ilmu mcm ni.. bodoh obe..
bahlul.. jgn bagi anon berkuasa leh...
jgn nk kaitkn aku pakai anon sbb aku xnak dimaki hamun dgn anon2 xde plajran ni sume.. tq serius best tpi anon kacau
kau pun ape kurangnye..lalalaa
DeleteTahi la cina suma..dah la pagi tak mandi...makan babi...nak suruh jadi macam singapork pulak..cina semua,sila bunuh diri ramai2 atau balik ke negara china bodoh korang tu
Deletekote obe diletupkan xde ke....
ReplyDelete#FOREVERFRUST la...