Saturday 1 October 2011

Serius Cool - Video Wanita Dilahirkan Pekak Mendengar Suaranya Buat Kali Pertama

Wah.............. tacing!

"I was born deaf and 8 weeks ago I received a hearing implant. This is the video of them turning it on and me hearing myself for the first time :) Edit: For those of you who have asked the implant I received was Esteem offered by Envoy Medical"


  1. hmmm..bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita ada selama ni.. T_T

  2. tapi pelik macam mana dia boleh bercakap sedangkan dia pekak dari lahir? betui ke video ni? bukan ke orang pekak selalunya akan bisu juga? just wondering... :)

  3. someone born deaf able to speak. believable?

  4. dia rasa syok sangat sebab boleh dengar semula

  5. syukur....

  6. er.. bukan org dilahirkan pekak besenye bisu ke.. macam mane dye bleyh bercakap..

  7. Aq seorang sympathetic crier...and I just cried. Huuuuu....

  8. macam mana dia boleh cakap?.. tanya la sendiri :

  9. Org pekak boleh je bercakap la, dia x dapat dengar bukan dia xde suara. Cuma nak tau camne dia bercakap lancar ye.

  10. orang lahir pekak boleh bercakap tapi intonasi dia aneh.

    kau dengar sikit intonasi minah tu. yampossible.

  11. agreed with Anons. klw dia pekak sejak lahir, mcm mn dia boleh bercakap n faham apa yg org lain ckp? coz d deaf use sign language to communicate. seriously?

  12. dia bukan je boleh setakat bercakap. dia cakap jelas pulak tu, pronunciation pun lagi baik dari lagu inggeris nyanyian artis melayu...

  13. tu la sometime rase fake gak mende nih.. pasal ade kat youtube budak 8 tahun pekak dari kecik,die wat implan ape ntah supaya leh mendengar, then bile die bercakap pronounciation die seriously sangat susah difahami, yang tolong clearkan apa yang dia ckp tu pun mmg seorang yg pandai communicate using sign languange, so tak tau la nak ckp.

    lgpun orang pekak nih kena tgk sign language plus lips movement mase die nak communicate tp kat dlm video nih,ade part die tutup mate, yet she understand what the people were saying without she has to read their mouth movement at all.

  14. ahh sudahh.. ramai pulak buat kepala profesor sini..pergi lah google sendiri

  15. Iklan internet ape ntah (Digi kot) pon ade tunjuk gak orang pekak, tapi boleh bercakap walaupun intonasi dia pelik sikit.

  16. Orang pekak tak semestinya bisu..the reason they didn't talk is because they are not familiar with words and sound..tapi ada orang pekak yang boleh baca gerak bibir and that is why they can talk or with the help of hearing aid.

  17. org pekak tak bercakap sebab dorg tak bole dengar ape dorg cakap, tapi suara dorg still ada..n still boleh bercakap..

  18. ini tipu!

    mcm mana nak sebut kalau doa tak pernah dengar?


  19. xyah la pelik sebab aku ade sorg kawan yang pekak tp boleh bercakap cuba cara dia sebut pelik sbb dia xbleh dgr souare sendri..dia balajar ckap pun melalui lips reading

  20. penat2 hafiz kamil tu bg link..g la baca...


  21. I'm tearing too.. Happy for you!

  22. yg iklan intenet 2 ade org pekak leh ckp kn?

  23. org pekak boleh bercakap.. sape2 yang pnah tgok malaysian idol/ american idol * ive forgot. long ago. mase election msti perasan ade sorg chinese woman yang pekak masuk audition sbb nak improve dye pnye speaking. tp mmg dye pnye tone different from we the normal people. pelat2 ckit. bile judges tnye "how you learn speaking" dye ckp dye blaja melalu bacaan gerak bibir.. nothing impossibble..

  24. Dia mendapat nikmat bersuara, alangkah indahnya jika dia mendapat nikmat islam.. :)

  25. CikguSkolahPekak2 October 2011 at 15:46

    hemm..maybe minah ni pekak sebelah je kot..sbb tu leh cakap lancar kalu totally deaf, mmg tak leh ckp punya lah..ayat sign language pon akan lintang pukang..jenuh nk paham..

  26. orang yg lahir pekak tak semestinya akan bisu cuma disebabkan tak ada ability untuk mendengar so it leads to the disability untuk bercakap atau to pronounce words. you guys can refer to any books related with psycholinguistic.

  27. Utk yg hairan ttg org pekak maka spttnya bisu.. Dia sbnrnya belajar lips reading, baca pergerakan bibir org lain.

    Benda nih dah ramai org pekak pelajari dan praktik, selain sign language yg biasa.

    Dgn syarat dia kena berhadapan dgn org yg dia nk communicate, dan biasanya sebutan dia pelat sikit mcm Anon 12:17 tulis

    Kan pernah winner Amazing Race Asia (season brapa x ingat) yg pekak tp blh bercakap.

  28. pernah dengar tak pasal orang kena kemalangan and then jadi pekak after that? think people think!

  29. Iklan digi kt TV kan ada part org bisu tu~ Dia bleh bercakap tp mcm robot pulak~ hahah~

  30. Utk Anon 13:03,
    Dia blajar baca p'gerakan bibir 'lips reading', ni kaedah alternatif selain dr 'sign language' yg biasa d gunakan.

    Kaedah ni khusus utk org pekak yg x bisu. Tp biasanya sebutan akan pelat sikit dan itonasi sebutan juga sdikit b'beza drpd manusia normal.

  31. bukan suma pekak tu bisu woi

  32. it's kinda weird...because she can really speak..well mmg bukan suma org pekak tu bisu but there should be difficulties in articulating words because she had never listened to even a single sound..

  33. apa yg pelik? meleis, malas membaca. Helen Keller was deaf AND blind, yet she can speak! this girl bukan completely pekak, dia still boleh dengar tapi tak clear. mcm Pyan Habib. mcm2 teknik ada, lipreading, vocal vibration etc. in regards to speech, there's a class to improve their diction (which you meleis should attend).

  34. i'm happy for her ... she have a beautiful tatoo

  35. Orang pekak seboleh2nya nak mendengar, tp ade orang yang boleh mendengar, saje je buat2 pekak.. pekak betul baru tau!

  36. happy for u! :)



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