Friday 21 October 2011

Serius Cool - Mahu Bekerja di GOOGLE?

Mari apply ..

Laporan asal Dvice


  1. Google Country Manager Malaysia Mr Sajith mmg sempoi. Kadang2 turun lif sama2 kat Tower 2 tapi bole borak2 mcm mmber, xsombong...

  2. sayang aku bidang masakan.

  3. wow setiap bidang gaji 100k gilee

  4. mak ai.. susah nya mau kerja kat Google... baik tak payah...

  5. baik kerja kat redtube

  6. Huhu true...aku pernah try tp lepas smp stage 3 je

  7. OBEyahudi! OBEyahudi! He's a prick and son of a whore! Hail OBEshittyPIG. He's full of shit as he's not HUMAN, His mother is a bitch, his father is an ANIMAL

  8. Kawan aku ada sorang dh kerja kat google Malaysia. Best gila dia asyik dpt berjalan luar negeri jer..

  9. The truth:

    -Obefiend or whatever his name is actually not a malay. He's a jew and son of a prostitute.

    -He's not 100% human as his father is actually an ANIMAL. he's the combination of a JEW prostitute and an ANIMAL.

    -Obefiend likes to troll and post stupid stuff as he's the descendant of DAJJAL. That's why he loves seeing people fight each other because of religion.

    -He's not a muslim. He doesn't have any religion, as he worship syaitan just like his father. That's why he loves to post muslim's stuff so that muslim will fight with each other everyday.

    -OBEfuck loves to see people become apostate, therefore he succeeds in his mission to become the highest rank in SYAITAN and DAJJAL worshipers.

    - HE LOVES ANAL and Love to fuck every girl he can find so that a new species which is similar to himself can be established in this world.

    Conclusion: OBEjew, IS A FUCKING BASTARD, therefore beware of his lies and trends as OBEfuckingJEW is A SYAITAN

  10. heh gr8 keyboard warrior~
    bark somewhere else pls..
    no.go dai instead

  11. "A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?"

    Dia main monopoly, turn dia (pakai icon kereta)berenti kt hotel yg bukan milik dia, lalu bankrap nk byr sewa. yay! da bole keje google!

  12. this is kinda like the same process review for Microsoft company interviews..even some of the sample questions are the same..kalo dpt keja dgn company2 besar cam gini mmg bertuah la..

  13. Aku pernah sampai phone interview tapi hampeh tak dapat. hahaha.

  14. macam maner nak mohon...besaunye gaji



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