Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Serius Sadis - Ferrari Melanggar Teksi Di Singapura : 3 Maut (14 Gambar)


Ini mungkin berita slowpoke tetapi aku mesti post berita kejadian Sabtu yang lalu kerana footej dan gambar yang sangat mengerikan. Sebuah kereta Ferrari 599 GTO melanggar lampu isyarat merah sebelum merempuh sebuah teksi di Singapura. Tiga orang terbunuh iaitu pemandu Ferrari Ma Chi (31) warga China, pemandu teksi Cheng Teck Hock (52) dan penumpang teksi Shigemi Ito (20-an). Dua orang mangsa lagi iaitu penumpang Ferrari dan seorang penunggang motosikal cedera teruk tetapi dilaporkan stabil.

Kejadian berlaku di persimpangan Jalan Rochor dan Victoria pada jam 4 pagi. Impak dari kemalangan sangat kuat sehingga enjin teksi tercampak sejauh 30 meter! Kemalangan ini mengakibatkan kemarahan rakyat Singapura dan menaikkan sentimen anti pendatang China yang memang sudah lama terbuku. Sementara itu isteri pemandu Ferrari terkejut apabila mendengar berita kematian suami beliau dan mahu mengetahui siapakah wanita yang menjadi penumpang kereta Ferrari beliau. Oh tahukah anda Ferrari 599 GTO ialah sebuah kereta edisi terhap dengan hanya 599 buah dibina oleh syarikat pengeluar kereta dari Marinello Itali.

Condolences kepada keluarga mangsa dan diharap pemandu gila seperti Ma Chi tidak naik keutara dan memandu dengan bahaya seperti video dibawah.

Amaran : Video kemalangan mungkin terlalu grafik kepada mereka yang 2" dan belum akil baligh.

Laporan asal Asiaone News


  1. Replies
    1. chinese fucks.they are fucking bullies to other countries and they do what ever they want.selfish mother fuckers

    2. org singapore ni nak bawak laju pergi highway malaysia laaa... dah tau kat singapore tu jalan pendek2 nak bawak laju jugak.

      blog oh kiasu singaporean

    3. Yang bawak kereta tu orang from mainland China and not Singaporean.Like nationalist said,they are selfish,arragont and rude people.Singaporean won't drive fast cause they know if they do,they are dead.That is why the come to Malaysia and drive fast on our highway.Another crisis about China basically about them taking 2 islands from Philippines.

    4. Ya lorr. Not singaporean lar. Itu china apek mali. MA CHI TP SUDA JADI MA TI... (wlp kes ni dh basi, tapi aku sesaja nak menyampuk) tqvm.

  2. Sadis tgk kejadian atas ni. moralnya, pki keta mahal ke..keta tin milo ke... kalo dah smpi ajal mmg xde la nk lari ke mana

  3. wow..nsb yg amik video tu lmbt sikit..@

    1. pergi post blog tempat lain la setan. semua post nak buat iklan

  4. Teksi hancur sikit lebur..lunyai...WTF, kereta mahal2 tapi excident hancur... TROLL

    Semangat Anak Kurt Cobain

  5. fuuuwooo baru lah...... blog ohsenyum

  6. gila laju wooo..lucky lucky..dlm keta y amik vdeo nieh,,hmmm

  7. kalau belum akil baligh tengok video ni jadi apa...? Baligh awal ke?

  8. Obe.. the passenger in the ferarri died as well. 4 ppl died mang

  9. nasib penunggang motosikal kat sebelah kiri awal2 video tu tak kena langgar...kalau tak memang teruk

  10. Tak sempat brek....Abis. Final destination.

  11. Argh! Ferrari takdak airbags?

  12. bunyi mcm tgh piling kt site

  13. gile la!

    laju kemain!
    mesti tgh mabuk!

  14. keta mahal, otak bawah lutut.. macam tu lah..

  15. wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa....tu je la yang dia tau cakap

    kalau kita orang Islam Astaghfirullahhalazim, bukan OMG OMG.

  16. kalo hentam proton maybe ferrari tu kemek sikit je.haha

  17. polis ni pun, kat situ la die nk camping...g dataran la wei....

    1. Tu bukan camping lah ngong. tu tent cover mayat.

  18. Bwk kete kebal je kt sngapore

  19. Wah lajunya ferrari tu..timing x cun nak buat stunt..apa nak buat..

  20. kesian ferrari tu musnah.... :(

  21. 0.025km/0.75s*3600s = 120km/h

  22. the taxi was a hyundai..either you are blind or ignorant to car brands..kui3

  23. did i mention 'such as' in my comment??? it is one of the branded car la obviously never come to singapore and see for yourself the real situation what happen in there..well either you just did not know and i was just blind or u might just take back your words :)

  24. so, next time please keep your comment to the related contents of the post..btw merc or toyota or whatever cars that we thought expensive and great, in reality they are just average cars and just that malaysian cant afford them as the excise tax is too expensive (ie 90% n above)..thus we dont have any choice and just go with the tin fact the tin milos are overpriced, why? because the sell price is still below the import cars+tax and malaysian dont complaint with you end up paying more than what the actual price put things into perspective based on market price (actual price) vs sell price in msia:

    saga, actual = ~ 23k vs sell = ~ 40k
    cute myvi, actual = ~ 20k vs sell = ~ 46k
    persona actual = 30k vs sell = ~ 46k
    swift actual = around 32-36k vs sell = 70k
    audi a4 actual= ~ 90k vs sell = ~ 190k
    vios actual = ~36k vs sell = ~ 80k

  25. i usually comment which is related to the whole story over there..not just comment under just one picture only. i'm try to be realistic but then there's just someone or somebody who just cannot accept the truth which is you know who.Do you realize that before this your comment is also unrelated to the topic also??

  26. I'm commenting to your vague idea of using merc or toyota as taxis is downgrading the brand..however that is not the I said the cars are just average cars and that is the reality..and using the average cars for taxis are not downgrading the respective brands.. what making them so expensive to our eyes is because the amount of imported cars on our road are little as not many can afford,..and it is not affordable is not because the cars are expensive, rather the taxes imposed on imported cars by the gov are ridiculously high, resulting the price of the cars more than double than the actual price..

  27. mana mayat ?? tak layak masuk ke ??

  28. he deserved to die..less one fakap driver in this world!

  29. jgn complaint org china ke atau warganegara mana2. kat mana pun ada org drive mcm org gile jugak.. kat m'sia pun ramai je org selfish drive mcm org gila. itu pun baru pakai kancil ataupun myvi dah rasa diri mereka bangga.



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