Monday 26 March 2012

Serius Cool - Hubungkait Antara Jenayah Dan Pengguguran Anak Dalam Kandungan


Last weekend saya dan Miss Mean tengok filem Freakonomics di GSC 1Utama. Nice dan sangat edukesyenel. Dibawah ialah one of the scene yang menarik dari filem ini. Discuss


  1. owh 1# ke..maaf

  2. huhuh..betul apa yang di katakan dalam video ini..huhu

    blog ohsenyum

    1. br nak tanya ade lagi sape2 nak promote blog murahan kat sini?

    2. betul ada sape2 lagi nak promote blog murahan?

      blog ohmarah

  3. yep2 fan gak ngan freakonomics, buku dia pun baca...lebih detail pasal sumo2, bribery semua tuh..

    but then, movie ni dapat ranking C- muvie, since then i dont really care about subjective ranking~

  4. Pandai la westerners ni putar isu when the real problem originates from their lifestyle yg kunun2 freedom sangat tu.Tuhan atur cantik2 dah.Nikah then the issue of unwanted children will never occur.macam tikus nak bertulkan labu.this is what happen when they messed up with His system.

  5. sokong sgt dgn eleanor...
    kalau xmo anak tu...
    jangan lah berzina...
    biasanya org yg buang bayi ni adalah org yg mengandungkan anak luar nikah...
    kalau nikah betul2, anak yg dilahirkan disambut dengan kegembiraan...
    bila x bernikah, jadilah anak yang dilahirkan disambut dengan kesedihan...

  6. no you are missing the point

    pengguguran bayi adalah suatu bentuk perancangan keluarga dan tak sherahusnya dikaitkan dengan anak luar nikah shj

    Sebaik mana pil/kondom (cara yang paling popular), bukan 100% efektif, dengan sekatan pada dana planned parenthood baru2 ni, akses kepada perancangan keluarga tidak lagi disubsidi kerajaan usa

    so utk golongan miskin, contraception yang advanced lagi mahal takyah cerita la

    Gugurkan bayi lagi baik dari buang bayi. Period.

    Moraliti diorang tak payah la nak sibuk2 nak hentam.

  7. As usual,they come out with stupid theory that they think will solve their problem.
    syukurlah sy orang islam.semua precaution dh diberi untuk elakkan masalah yg lg besar,tk perlu pada teori bodo yg lg merosakkan..
    every human being have their right to live,even a fetus. who are they to decide an unwanted child will be criminal when they grow up? the basis of his theory is the reduction of younger generation in the future.Why not kill all the existing criminals to prevent them spreading their seeds?kan senang?
    again,nasib baik sy org islam...

    p/s:abortion sebagai perancangan keluarga?need to check dgn mana2 ustaz dulu..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ->The reduction of children born into problematic circumstances, NOT the reduction of the younger generation in total

    ada faham?

    That's what she said, individu yang bermasalah yang dah terlanjur boleh la gunakan abortion untuk mengelak membesarkan anak2 yg boleh terlibat dalam jenayah pada masa depan, daripada asuhan yang fakap dan komuniti yang shady.

    salah guna abortion untuk gugurkan bayi daripada free sex, zina, santau tu isu yang lain.

    ini semua pemerhatian semata-mata berdasarkan statistik, konteks perlu selaras dengan latar budaya dan latar masa.

    Tapi kalau dah rasa lagi bagus dari diorang tak payah la susahkan diri menabur prejudis merata rata. Pegi la minum teh degan tea bagger republicans seangkatan, lagi senang hati.

  10. Malaysian: Abortion = Involved in Fornication

  11. i'm not really into abortion because it means killing another life. i'm more into prevention of pregnancy. but in some circumstances, abortion is the last resort.

    generally, i prefer 'responsible breeding' among humans. i mean, do not have children if you can't afford and not fully ready to be a parent. sadly, lots of humans have children because of social pressure. this will lead problematic family which contributes to social problem in the long run, i.e. many kids turn out to be criminal or burden to the society. just look at divorce statistics, look at lots of children in orphanage and those who are abandoned. do people prefer to see these kids to be useless member in the society rather than educating adults about having children within their means?

    i'm not saying all under privileged children will turn out bad. but they are tend to be like that compared to children raised properly by their parents.

    having kids is a big responsibility not just financially. do not confuse yourselves with some religious statement to have more children than you can afford. failing your kids is a sin too.

    so my say, abortion is a choice. let it be one.



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