Saturday 26 November 2011

Serius LOL - Nama-Nama Posing Yoga


Laporan asal Pleated Jeans


  1. 1st & 2nd tu bukan manusia yang taip tapi dua ekor babi

  2. yoga pose.. yeah sure..

  3. Someone translate anon 19:55 please! mesti butthurt punya

  4. ni hasil translation dari anon mamat soviet union yang mangkok ayun!!!:

    In Moscow, more secure than in other major cities around the world. At least, this conclusion recently reached in the national Interior Ministry. The group of police experts compared the crime statistics in the world's major centers, and found out that we do not really all that bad.

    For example, last year in the Russian capital has been committed robberies in 18 thousand per 100 thousand population. For comparison, in New York, there were 36 thousand such crimes per 100 thousand inhabitants, and in London - more than 35 thousand, ie twice, according to "Kommersant".

    According to the number of rapes Moscow also lags far behind other world centers. In Berlin last year there were 2.7 thousand crimes against sexual integrity (based on 100 thousand inhabitants), in New York - 1.4 thousand, in Madrid - about a thousand, while in Moscow, only 844. In addition, crimes related to drugs and stealing cars, we have performed much less frequently than abroad.

    However, with fraud and murder is not so well. Last year in Moscow counted 20.5 thousand fraudulent crimes per 100 thousand inhabitants, in New York - 10 thousand, and in Hong Kong - 5.1 thousand. By the number of murders of Russian capital equal to that of New York (about 500 homicides per 100 thousand people).

    According to the former head of the Russian Interpol bureau, Vladimir Ovchinskii, compared to the riots in London at the Manege Square riots were "childish prank." "In the same Washington, there are areas where even the police are advised not to go at night. In Moscow these areas today," - he said.

    Note that in the Russian Prosecutor General's Office recently compared the police statistics with "clay". According to experts, law enforcement officers are trying to show positive dynamics, to mention only a record of the crimes (which registers itself as MIA). According to official figures, the number this year has significantly decreased.

    Thus, the head of State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, for the first six months of the year in the capital police have registered 85 thousand crimes, which is 12% lower than the same period in 2010. However, while it fell, and detection - 11% compared to last year's figures.

    "All these figures are divorced from reality. But in the deterioration of detection, I believe, because this was expected. During the contractions become less operatives directly to solve crimes, respectively, was smaller and disclosures, are all simple. If the police to reduce another half, then indicators of detection will fall by about the same, "- told RBC daily source in the Interior Ministry.

    Silap tempat kut nak pi letak sebijik artikel dlm komen ni!!!

    Problem, Soviets? In Soviet Union, comments posts you!!!

    Проблема, Советы? В Советском Союзе, комментарии сообщений вы!

    word verification: panic

  5. nampak sgt ini ajenda yahudi si OBE THE FREEMASON. apa kena mngena yoga dgn nama inggeris. yoga tu keling punye la OBE bukan org putih laknatullah yahudi.

  6. "Suck My Dick, Jesus"

    paling tak boleh blah



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